SGI manuals available on-line

A large collection of SGI manuals and technical publications are available on-line. Among many others the following documents contain information that may be relevant for potential users of the new parallel system.


Operating system

IRIS Development Option

The IRIS development option contains compilers, debuggers, profiling tools and various toolboxes that assist program development. Both the FORTRAN/FORTRAN90 and the C compilers support automatic loop parallellisation. Of specific interest for code development on the Origin architecture are the new compiler directives that govern memory layout of arrays across multiple cpus. In addition to the parallelizing compilers message passing interfaces like MPI and PVM are likely to be avalilable. C users may also take advantage of the POSIX threads support.


MIPSpro Fortran 77

MIPSpro Power Fortran 77

MIPSpro Fortran 90

MIPSpro Power Fortran 90

MIPSpro Power C


Lennart Bengtsson 1996-12-27