Dear halo-nucleus colleague, It is a pleasure to invite you to the traditional study weekend on dripline nuclei, HALO'02. The workshop will take place in Göteborg, Sweden on June 13 - 15. You will find details such as registration forms, hotel reservations, deadlines, travels, social activities and abstract handling on the HALO'02 web site This site will be updated with abstracts, a list of participants and, finally, the full program for the workshop. Please help us to distribute this announcement to colleagues who might not be on the mailing list. Looking forward to seeing you in Göteborg The organizers, Björn Jonson Göran Nyman Mikhail Zhukov Christian Forssén Mikael Meister Administration, Kate Larsson Note: Use the following to communicate with the Organizing Committee of the HALO '02 Study weekend on dripline nuclei: e-mail: Fax: +46 31 772 3269 Phone: +46 31 772 3260 Mail: Chalmers University of Technology Department of Physics att: Kate Larsson SE-412 96 Göteborg Sweden Mark the envelope: "Halo'02"