HALO'97: Study weekend on dripline nuclei

Final circular

At Säröhus, Göteborg, June 13 - 15 1997 
Organised by the Subatomic Physics group, Chalmers University of Technology/Göteborg University 

Local organising committee:

Björn Jonson  

Göran Nyman 

Mikhail Zhukov 

Thomas Nilsson 
Borromean Rings 

The workshop "HALO'97: Study weekend on dripline nuclei" was held at Säröhus, Göteborg, Sweden in June 13 - 15.

Nuclear halo states have been found in a number of light nuclei close to the nucleon drip lines. These show a threshold phenomenon when a low separation energy allows the weakly bound nucleon (or cluster of nucleons) to tunnel into the space surrounding the nuclear core to give a large nuclear radius. In this very open structure, simple few-body or cluster models largely account for the most general properties of the halo states. The analysis of these threshold phenomena will have important general consequences for low-energy reaction rates in nuclear astrophysics.

The experimental examination of halo states has been gained either from size measurements, from momentum distributions of fragments, and beta decays to or from halo states. Only recently are transfer reactions probing in more detail their particle structure. Of growing interest, dictated by theory, is also the new experimental information about the structure of unbound nuclei close to the drip lines.

We have today to avoid oversimplified models, and to combine the latest, very detailed, experimental observations with the most modern theoretical approaches. The workshop "HALO'97: Study weekend on dripline nuclei" aimed at being a continuation of the previous study weekends that have been organised in Scandinavia and the UK and a complement to the "Workshop on the Physics of Halo Nuclei " recently held at ECT*. The aim of HALO'97 is therefore to gather theorists, and experimentalists with a flair for theory, to pave the road for future progress in this field.
Saeroehus Fish-eye 

NEW! Thanks to Karin Markenroth there is now a picture collection from the workshop!


Särö is located at the Swedish west coast, 25 km south of Göteborg. Click here to see a map and instructions how to get there by car.

Financial support:

A much appreciated grant from NorFA made it possible to admit all PhD students free-of-charge.

Contributed talks:

The program of the workshop.
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Last updated 97-09-17, Thomas Nilsson, f2btn@fy.chalmers.se  

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