Electromagnetic field, Week 1

The purpose of this week is to learn electrostatic concepts related to charge, electric field. Also,  we will learn how to describe dielectric materials

29/11 (Wed) 10-11.45 (FL11) Introduction ,"Force and Energy in Electrostatics".

29/11 (Wed)  13:15-15:00 (FL11-13) Problem Solving

 30/11 (Thu) 10-11.45 (FL11) cont. "Force and Energy in Electrostatics", "Dielectrics".

30/11 (Thu) 13.15-15.00 (FL11) "Electrostatic Field Calculations", Projects Start

01/12 (Fri) 8.00-17.15 Lab- [fm grupp 1 (ED) & 3(Mi3), em grupp 2(ED) & 4(Mi3)]