The role of the observer

There once was a man who said ' God
must think it exceedingly odd
If he finds that this tree
Continues to be
When there's no one about in the Quad'
Ronnie Knox


These lines were quoted in The Quantum World (p66) by J.C. Polkinghorne, who continues to note that
Such a riposte would not, whover, be available to a defenter of the interpretation of quantum mechanical mearusement presently under consideration, supposing him to wish to avail himself of it. Divine reduction of wavepackets would be an overkill, since it would operate everywhere and always, forcing the electron each time to go through a definite slit. The point about measurement is that it occurs only spasmodically. (This observation is in accord with the classic theological understanding of creation, which sees God as the ground and support of all that is (in our terms, the guarantor of the Schrödinger equation) but not as an object among objects (no collapser of wavepackets).)