List of Publications

  1. Point-contact spectroscopy in heavy-fermion superconductors
    Mikael Fogelström, Wan Kyu Park, Laura H Greene, Gernot Goll, and Matthias J Graf

  2. Transport and magnetization dynamics in a superconductor/single-molecule magnet/superconductor junction
    Sofian Teber, Cecilia Holmqvist, and Mikael Fogelström,
    to appear in Physical Review B (2010)

  3. Josephson current through a precessing spin
    Cecilia Holmqvist, Sofian Teber, Manuel Houzet, Denis Feinberg, and Mikael Fogelström,
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 150 022027 (2009)

  4. Josephson current through a precessing classical spin
    Sofian Teber, Cecilia Holmqvist, Manuel Houzet, Denis Feinberg, and Mikael Fogelström,
    Physica B: Condensed Matter, 404 527 (2009)

  5. Spectrum of Andreev Bound States in a Molecule Embedded Inside a Microwave-Excited Superconducting Junction
    Jonas Sköldberg, Tomas Löfwander, Vitaly S. Shumeiko, and Mikael Fogelström
    Physical Review Letters, 101 087002 (2008)

  6. Impurity Scattering and Mott's Formula in Graphene
    Tomas Löfwander and Mikael Fogelström,
    Physical Review B 76 193401 (2007), cond-mat/0704.2996

  7. Low-temperature thermal conductivity of superconductors with gap nodes
    Tomas Löfwander and Mikael Fogelström,
    Physical Review Letters 95 107006 (2005) , cond-mat/0503391

  8. Large Thermoelectric Effects and Inelastic Scattering in Unconventional Superconductors
    Mikael Fogelström and Tomas Löfwander,
    LT24 proceedings, cond-mat/0507647

  9. Low-Temperature Thermal Conductivity of Superconductors with Gap Nodes
    Tomas Löfwander and Mikael Fogelström,
    LT24 proceedings

  10. Spin-dependent Proximity Effects in d-wave Superconductor/Half-metal Heterostructures
    Nobukatsu Yoshida and Mikael Fogelström,
    submitted to LT24 proceedings (cond-mat/0511009)

  11. Two regimes for effects of surface disorder on the zero-bias conductance peak of tunnel junctions involving d-wave superconductors.
    M. S. Kalenkov, M. Fogelström, and Yu. S. Barash
    Phys. Rev. B 70 184505 (2004)

  12. Singlet-Triplet Mixing in Superconductor-Ferromagnet Hybrid Devices
    M. Eschrig, J. Kopu, A. Konstandin, J.C. Cuevas, M. Fogelström, and G. Schön
    Advances in Solid State Physics 44, 477 (2004)

  13. Large Thermoelectric Effects in Unconventional Superconductors.
    T. Löwander and M. Fogelström
    Physical Review B 70 024515 (2004)

  14. Nonlinear magnetic field dependence of the conductance in d-wave NIS tunnel junctions.
    M. Fogelström, D. Rainer, and J. A. Sauls
    Physical Review B 70 012503 (2004)

  15. Transfer-matrix description of heterostructures involving superconductors and ferromagnets.
    J. Kopu, M. Eschrig, J. C. Cuevas, and M. Fogelström
    Physical Review B 69 094501 (2004)

  16. Excess current in superconducting Sr2RuO4.
    F. Laube, G. Goll, M. Eschrig, M. Fogelström, and Ralph Werner
    Physical Review B 69 014516 (2004)

  17. Investigation of Sr2RuO4-Pt contacts in an applied magnetic field.
    Goll, G., Laube, F., Eschrig, M., Fogelström, M., Werner, R., Löhneysen, H.V., Lichtenberg, F.
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 272-276 (SUPPL. 1), Pages e197-e198. (2004)

  18. Shot noise in normal metal-d-wave superconducting junctions.
    T. Löfwander, M. Fogelström, and J. A. Sauls
    Physical Review B 68 054504 (2003)

  19. Shot noise and multiple Andreev reflections in d-wave superconductors.
    J. C. Cuevas and M. Fogelström
    Physical Review Letters 89 227003 (2002)

  20. Subharmonic gap structure in d-wave superconductors.
    A. Poenicke, J. C. Cuevas, and M. Fogelström
    Physical Review B 65 220510(R) (2002)

  21. Transport through superconductor / magnetic dot / superconductor structures.
    M. Andersson, J. C. Cuevas, and M. Fogelström
    Physica C 367 117 (2002)

  22. Josephson current in chiral superconductors.
    Yu. S. Barash, A. M. Bobkov, and M. Fogelström
    Physical Review B 64 214503 (2001)

  23. Quasiclassical description of transport through superconducting contacts.
    J. C. Cuevas and M. Fogelström
    Physical Review B 64 104502 (2001)

  24. Mixed-parity superconductivity in Sr2RuO4.
    M. Eschrig, J. Ferrer, and M. Fogelström
    Physical Review B 63 220509(R) (2001)

  25. Josephson currents through spin-active interfaces.
    M. Fogelström
    Physical Review B 62 11812 (2000)

  26. Tunneling into disordered d-wave superconductors.
    A. Poenicke, M. Fogelström, and J. A. Sauls
    Physica B, 284-288 589-590 (2000)

  27. Probing superconductivity in Sr2RuO4 by point-contact spectroscopy.
    M. Fogelström, F. Laube, G. Goll, H. v. Löhneysen, and F. Lichtenberg
    Physica B, 284-288 537-538 (2000)

  28. Tunneling through disordered contacts into d-wave superconductors in an applied magnetic field.
    A. Poenicke and M. Fogelström
    Proceedings of "Electron transport in mesoscopic systems", Chalmers (2000)

  29. Spin-Triplet Superconductivity in Sr2RuO4 Probed by Andreev Reflection.
    F. Laube, G. Goll, H. v. Löhneysen, M. Fogelström, and F. Lichtenberg
    Physical Review Letters 84 1595 (2000)

  30. On the stability of the quadrupole vortex in 3He-B.
    M. Fogelström and J. Kurkijärvi
    Journal of Low Temperature Physics 116 1 (1999)

  31. Andreev Bound States, Surfaces and Subdominant Pairing in High Tc Superconductors.
    D. Rainer, H. Burkhardt, M. Fogelström and J. A. Sauls
    Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 59 2040 (1998)

  32. Time-reversal symmetry breaking states near grain boundaries between d-wave superconductors.
    M. Fogelström and S.-K. Yip
    Physical Review B 57 R14060 (1998)

  33. Models for superfluid 3He in Aerogel.
    E. V. Thuneberg, S.-K. Yip, M. Fogelström and J. A. Sauls
    Physical Review Letters 80 2861 (1998)

  34. Boundary conditions at diffusely scattering surfaces in 3He.
    J. Kurkijärvi, M. Fogelström, and J. A. Sauls
    In: Quasiclassical methods in Superconductivity and Superfluidity. Eds. D. Rainer and J. A. Sauls, 1998

  35. Weak-coupling theory of vortices in 3He-B
    M. Fogelström and J. Kurkijärvi
    In: Quasiclassical methods in Superconductivity and Superfluidity. Eds. D. Rainer and J. A. Sauls, 1998

  36. Tunneling into Current-Carrying Surface States of High Tc Superconductors.
    M. Fogelström, D. Rainer, and J. A. Sauls
    Physical Review Letters 79 281 (1997)

  37. Pinhole junctions in d-wave superconductors.
    M. Fogelström, S.-K. Yip and J. Kurkijärvi
    Chechoslovak Journal of Physics, Vol 46 (1996), 1057, Suppl. S2

  38. Localized vs. delocalized scattering in superfluid 3He-aerogel.
    E. V. Thuneberg, M. Fogelström, S.-K. Yip and J. A. Sauls
    Chechoslovak Journal of Physics, Vol 46 (1996), 113 Suppl. S1

  39. Numerical studies with the quasiclassical theory in superfluid 3He.
    Thesis, Åbo Akademi, Åbo 1995, ISBN 951-650-590-2. Supervisor: Professor Juhani Kurkijärvi

  40. Single-vortex nucleation in rotating superfluid 3He-B.
    Ü. Parts, V. H. M. Ruutu, J. H. Koivuniemi, Yu. Bunkov, V. V. Dmitriev, M. Fogelström, M. Huebner, Y. Kondo, N. B. Kopnin, J. S. Korhonen, M. Krusius, O. V. Lounasmaa, P. I. Soininen and G. E. Volovik
    Europhysics Letters 31 (8) 449 (1995)

  41. Quasiclassical theory of vortices in superfluid 3He-B.
    M. Fogelström and J. Kurkijärvi
    Journal of Low Temperature Physics 98 195 (1995):
    Erratum. Journal of Low Temperature Physics 100 (1995)

  42. Vortices in superfluid 3He-B at low temperatures.
    M. Fogelström, J. Kurkijärvi and J. A. Sauls
    Physica B 194-196 809 (1994)

  43. Diffusely scattering surfaces in superfluid 3He.
    E. V. Thuneberg, M. Fogelström and J. Kurkijärvi
    Physica B 178 176 (1992)

Mikael Fogelström