Leonid Kuzmin, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, - contact person
Heinz-Wilhelm Hüuebers, German Aerospace Center, Institute of Space Sensor Technology and Planetary Exploration , Germany
Piet de Korte, Space Research Organization Netherlands, The Netherlands.
Superconducting detectors have already been developed as key-elements in next generation spectrometers for compositional analysis in laboratory and industry, like mass-spectrometers for large molecular masses and X-ray fluorescence spectrometers for the detection of contaminant materials with micron and sub-micron sizes.
When developed into imaging arrays they will become the most sensitive imaging devices for astronomy. A few modest imaging arrays for ground-based sub-mm observations are already operational and plans for building significant larger arrays, SCUBA II, are approved. In the optical similar imagers with single photon counting and energy resolution capability are just entering the scene, while for X-ray astronomy the first modest imager, 6 x 6 pixels, has been build for a Japanese satellite.
The coming decade will show the development of large (> 100 x 100 pixels) imaging arrays of superconducting detectors for all kinds of applications and for wavelengths from the Sub-mm to the X-ray range. This requires further developments of the various type of Superconducting detectors and further development of technological aspects like, development of detector arrays, superconducting electronics and multiplexing schemes for the read-out, low temperature (100 mK) cooler development and cryogenic wiring and packaging.
Europe has a large contribution in the development of this new area of Superconducting Detectors and Electronics and is in a favourable competitive position. This proposal aims to reinforce this competitiveness through the formation of a Network of groups working in this field in order to exchange information by means of visits, exchange of young researchers and small conferences.
2. Keywords: Superconducting detectors; Imaging arrays; Superconducting electronics; SQUID readout system; Cryorefrigerator.
For wavelength shorter than a few microns above sensors become single photon counters [Irwin et al., APL. 69, 1945 (1996), Hoevers, APL 77, 4422 (2000), de Korte et al., IEEE Tr. on Appl. Sup. 11, 747 (2001)]. Also Superconductor-Isolator-Superconductor (SIS) junctions have been developed very successfully as single photon counters in the optical and X-ray range [Esposito et al, NIM A370, 26 (1996), P. Verhoeve NIM A444, 435 (2000)]. Several new approaches have been proposed during last decade that should allow superconducting sensors to become single photon in the infrared and sub-mm region. intervene infrared region. A photon counter utilizing a current-carrying superconducting film has been recently proposed by Semenov et al. [28] and demonstrated by Gol'tsman et al. [Physica C 351, 349 (2001); APL 79, 705, (2001)][29].
The exciting effect of nonequilibrium electron cooling has been demonstrated by Nahum et al., [APL.65, 3123 (1994)] for normal metal strip connected to SIN tunnel junctions. The results of Jyväskylä group (Leivo, Pekola et al., APL, 74, 3021 (1999)) on electron cooling from 300 mK to 120 mK attract interest from ESA. A novel concept of "cold-electron" bolometer with direct electron cooling of absorber has been suggested by Kuzmin et al. [JAP, 89, 6464 (2001) ]. This bolometer can be especially effective for operation in the presence of a real background power load. The optimal realization of this sensor is a hot-electron bolometer with capacitive coupling to the antenna by tunnel junctions, developed at Chalmers University (Kuzmin, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 284-288, 2129 (2000)).
The aforementioned new approaches are in the early development stage and require, for full realization of inherent advantages, comprehensive study. The scientific impact is expected in the field of non-equilibrium superconductivity, in particular superconductive phenomena such as quasiparticle energy and chargeóimbalance relaxation, thermalization and Andreev reflection, and long range proximity effect in normal metal-superconductor bi-layers as well as in the vicinity of an interface between normal metal and superconductor are to be studied in the superconducting nanostructures.
In parallel with the development of new type of superconductive sensors and their superconductive read-out electronics, there will be strong emphasis on the development of imaging arrays of the already matured sensors, like SIS, TES and SIN for IR, optical and X-ray wavelength together with their associated cryogenic cooling and cryopackaging. Especially these developments are extremely important for applications in ground-based and space-based astronomy, spectroscopy of large molecules and X-ray fluorescence of contaminants in the semiconductor industry. These developments involve sensor production aspects, like Si-micromachining and bumpbonding; development of multiplexing schemes to read-out large detector arrays with particular emphasis on superconducting electronics; Sensor packaging and wiring and 100 mK cooler developments.
These aspects, mainly technological, are in an early stage of development. In the TES and SIS technology small arrays have been fabricated and the first Time Division Multiplex (TDM) [Chervenak et al., APL 74, 4043 (1999)] and Frequency Division Multiplex (FDM) [Yoon et al., APL 78, 371 (2001)] schemes are under development. Adiabatic Demagnetization Refrigerators [ADR] are becoming commercially available with enough cooling power and low enough temperatures (50 mK) for sensor arrays.
Objectives of the proposal are
The European Network of Excellence
on Superconductivity (SCENET) monitors the applications of superconductivity.
A special interest to superconducting detectors and bolometers was demonstrated
in the past Network activity (see the Road map athttp://orchidea.maspec.bo.cnr.it/working_groups/working_group_list.htmlwhere
a strong recommendation to networking activity is made). SCENET
has been re-approved and it is planned the continuation of the monitoring
activity of this area.
Network activities:
Research activities:
Budget estimate (in EURO) by major headings and per year of the Programme
Full coordinates and curriculum vitae of the applicant(s)
Leonid Kuzmin, Associate Professor
Department of Microelectronics and Nanoscience, Physics and Engineering Physics
Chalmers University of Technology, S-41296 Gothenburg, Sweden
Tel: +46 31 772 3608, Mobile: +46 73 909 31 55 , Fax: +46 31 772 3471
e-mail: kuzmin@fy.chalmers.se, WWW: http://fy.chalmers.se/~kuzmin/
Dr. H.-W. Hübers
German Aerospace Center, Institute of Space Sensor Technology and Planetary Exploration
Department of Far-Infrared Technology, Rutherfordstr. 2, 12489 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49-(0)30-67055596 Fax: +49-67055507 heinz-wilhelm.huebers@dlr.de
Dr. P.A.J de Korte
Space Research Organization Netherlands, Sorbonnelaan 2
3584CA Utrecht, The Netherlands
Phone: 31 30 2535710, Fax 31 30 2540860, E-mail P.A.J.de.Korte@sron.nl
Curriculum Vitae for Leonid S. Kuzmin
Born: Moscow, Russia, July 10, 1946
Nationality: Russian
Home address: Dr. Forselius Backe 17, 413 26 Göteborg, Sweden
Education: 1) Department of Physics, Moscow State University,
Russia, Undergraduate course 1965-1971
2) Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Russian
Academy of Sciences, post-graduate course 1971-1974
Degrees: 1) Candidate of Science in Physics and Mathematics (corresponds approximately to Ph. D. in Physics), received from Moscow State University, Thesis advisor: Prof. K. Likharev - 1977
"Nondegenerate single-frequency parametric amplification using Josephson junctions with self-pumping"
2) Doctor of Science in Physics and Mathematics from Moscow State University - 1997
Thesis topic: "Correlated Tunneling of Electrones and Cooper Pairs in Ultrasmall Tunnel Junctions"
3) Oavlönad Docent, Chalmers/Göteborg University 2000
Posts: 1) Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Russian
Academy of Sciences, Junior Scientist 1974-1979
2) Laboratory of Prof. K. Likharev, Department of Physics,
Moscow State University, Senior Scientist 1979 -1993
3) Physicalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), 1994 - 1995
Germany, Research Scientist
4) Forskartjanst (Associate Professor), Swedish NFR, 1995 - 2001
Chalmers University of Technology
5 PhD degrees under supervision
Award:Discovery Award N285 from the USSR Committee on Inventions and Discoveries. "Phenomenon of nondegenerate single-frequency parametric regeneration of oscillations in systems with weak superconductivity", 1984
Majoring fields: - Single Electronics, Nano-structures, Josephson tunnel effect, Low and high Tc superconductor electronics, Quantum precision measurements, low noise microwave devices, squids
Curriculum Vitae of Heinz-Wilhelm Hübers
Born: Haselünne, Germany, January 28, 1965
Nationality: German
Home Address: Spreestr. 28, 15738 Zeuthen, Germany
1986-1991 Physics at the University of Bonn
1991 Diploma in Physics
1991 ó 1994 Ph. D. thesis at the Max-Planck Institute for Radioastronomy, Bonn
1995 ó 1998 Junior scientist at the German Aerospace Center in Berlin
Curriculum Vitae for Piet de Korte
Born: Oude Tonge, Netherlands, December 13, 1946
Nationality: Dutch
Home address: Fransen van de Puttelaan 26, 3707EH Zeist, The Netherlands
Education: 1) Leyden University, Degree in Physics 1964-1971
2) Leyden University, PhD in Physics 1971-1975
Degrees: 2) Doctor of Science in Physics from Leyden University 1975
Post: Head Sensor Research & Technology Division SRON, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Background: Only last 15 years
In 1987 Dr. De Korte started the development of X-ray Charge Coupled Devices (CCD) for the Reflection Grating Spectrometer on ESAís X-ray Spectroscopy Cornerstone Mission XMM-Newton launched in 1999. On the XMM-Newton mission he serves as an expert on X-ray optics in the Telescope Advisory Group.
In 1990 he initiated research on superconducting tunneljunction detectors in collaboration with the Low Temperature Group at Twente University. This detector development aimed at the creation of a next generation X-ray detector with high energy resolution, high detection efficiency and modes spatial resolution. This project got funding from the Dutch Foundation for Applied Research (STW) and NWO.
In 1994 he started on SRON/ESA EOPP funded development of a high-TC superconductor bolometer by which SRON acquired experience with SixNy-technology and bolometers in general. This resulted in a high-TC bolometer with an NEP of 2.10-12 W/Hz1/2, a world record.
In 1996 he initiated the development of Hot Electron Bolometers for Far-IR, sub-mm and X-ray applications with funding from NWO. This work resulted in single pixel microcalorimeters with excellent performance, 4.0 eV at 5.9 kV, and a development of the physics of these detectors. In 2000 NWO granted a propsal for the development of an Imaging X-ray Microcalorimeters Array, together with the MESA+ Institute.
Dr. De Korte has published approximately 100 papers.
List of the 5 publications during the last 5 years.
a) Leonid Kuzmin, Chalmers University of Technology.
2. L. Kuzmin, I. Devyatov, and D. Golubev. "Cold-electron" bolometer with electronic microrefrigeration and the general noise analysis". Proceeding of SPIE, v. 3465, The 4th International conference on mm and submm waves, San-Diego, pp. 193-199, July 1998.
3. D. Chouvaev, L. Kuzmin, M. Tarasov. "Normal Metal Hot-Electron Microbolometer with On-Chip Protection by Tunnel Junctions", Supercond. Sci. Technol., 12, p. 985-988 (1999).
4. L. Kuzmin "On the Concept of a Hot-Electron Microbolometer with Capacitive Coupling to the Antenna", Physica B: Condensed Matter, 284-288, 2129 (2000).
b. German Aerospace Center (DLR), Dr. H.-W. Hübers
1. Sweden, Chalmers University,
Gothenburg (Leonid Kuzmin). Submillimeter bolometer arrays
2. Germany, Institute of Space
Sensor technology and Planetary Exploration , Berlin (Heinz-Wilhelm Hubers,
Alexei Semenov). Superconducting Quantum detectors;
IPTH Jena, (Hans-Georg Meyer), SQUID readout
3. Netherlands. SRON, Utrecht (Piet
de Korte), Imaging arrays of TES-based X-ray spectrometers for XEUS
4. United Kingdom. Leicester University,
Astro Space Center (Andrew Holland), Imaging X-ray detectors based on TES
UKATC, Royal Observatory (William Duncan),
Bolometer arrays for SCUBA
5. Finland. University of Jyvaskyla,
(Jukka Pekola); Metorex, (Heikki Sipilä); TES sensors for IR and X-ray;
VTT, Helsinki (Heikki Seppa), SQUID readout
system based on frequency domain multiplexing.
6. Italy, CNR-Instituto di Cibernetica,
Naples (Roberto Christiano), STJ-detectors for X-ray imaging
7. France, CEA, Grenoble (Lionel
Duband), AIR LIQUIDE, Grenoble (Alain Ravex), Cryorefrigerators ;
CNRS, Toulouse (Martin Giard). Bolometer
arrays for balloon experiments
8. Denmark, DTU, Lyngby, (Jesper
Mygind), Cryogenic measurements of superconducting detectors
9. Norway, Oslo University,
Department of Physics, (Dragos-Victor Anghel).Theory of sensors with SIN
tunnel junctions
10. Estonia, Institute of Physics,
Tartu, Ants Löhmus, Cryorefrigerators
11. Switzerland, Paul Scherrer
Institute, VILLIGEN, (Philippe Lerch). Imaging arrays of STJ X-ray spectrometers.