Subject: Growing Black Holes 
From:    Rashid Sunyaev  
Date:    Tue, February 10, 2004 11:12 pm 
Dear Prof. Abramowicz, Dear Marek,

may I remind you about our Conference "Growing Black Holes: Accretion in a
Cosmological Context", to be held in Garching next June, 21-25 (please
see the conference web-site at 

It seems that till now we do not have any talk describing  possible models
of strongly super-Eddington luminosities in connection with the
subject of black holes growth. It is important also to discuss
theoretical models that allow strongly super-Eddington accretion and
only slightly super-Eddington luminosities. As you well know, 
the  best models of this type were proposed by Polish scientists long
ago. Would you be able in a 20-25 minutes talk to describe the main
achievements of the models, including a discussion of the efficiency
of super-Eddington accretion as a function of the accretion rate?

Other relevant issues would be the following: Is
it possible to get accretion rates 1000 times larger than the value 
corresponding to Eddington limit? How stable are these solutions? 

It would be great if you could mention the paper by J. Ostriker about
QSOs growth by capture of weakly interacting dark matter, and 
also remind people about solutions like
the very old sketch I proposed with N. Shakura, where matter is outflowing
and luminosity might grow as the logarithm of the accretion rate at
the outer boundary (for your information, Andrew King will also be 
speaking about outflows from luminous Quasars at the conference). 
Obviously we should mention the latest results of Mitch Begelmann.

Are you interested in such a talk? If yes, it will be included
into the list of key talks in the second circular, that we plan to
send out very soon, as a part of the
session devoted to the issue: What sets QSO lifetimes and accretion 
efficiency? For your information, I attach the first circular, with a
detailed list of topics to be discussed.

Best Regards,

Rashid Sunyaev