Star Dancers

Together with Californian artist Daniel Oberti, I have had a project with the title Star Dancers. This project combines computer simulated orbits of stars in barred galaxies with ceramic art! The background, and an introduction, to the project is found in the abstract of the talk given during the conference The Inspiration of Astronomical Phenomena III in Sicily on January the 4th 2001.

Star Dancers have been exhibited at a gallery in Palermo.

Above are the first two Star Dancers Platters in colour.

Above are some prototypes of Star Dancers platters, that are as yet not painted and fired.

More Star Dancers!

Above are some of the Star Dancers from the Palermo exhibition.
Chalmers News wrote about Star Dancers (in Swedish) during Daniel Oberti's visit in September 2000.
Press release from the exhibition of Star Dancers in Sicily, January 2001.
The local organising committe of INSAP III has a web page about Star Dancers.
Maria Sundin gave a talk on Star dancers during the opening ceremony of "Science 2001" at Göteborg university. Read about it in GU-journalen here.(in Swedish)

Updated February 28th, 2012

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