FKA121/FIM540 Computational Physics 2018


Notice, the deadline for H3a and H3b is Thursday Jan 17 at 15.30.

Two slots are added on H2a and on H2b.

Last lecture in the course today Monday 3 Dec.
The lecture on Wednesday Dec 5 is cancelled.

Some problems with the homepage. It should be OK now.

Doodle for H2 on the homepage.

Notice, new verion of MC.txt. Please use this new version.

The student representatives this year are chosen at random. They are:
Jan Liu (
Filip Frostelind (

Notice, som update of E3. New version on the homepage.

Some references to equations in the lecture notes in H1a and H1b were incorrect.
They are now corrected (version 2018-11-19).

You can now find E3 on the homepage. MC.txt will soon be available.

You may need to empty the cashe if you load a pdf-fil.
Otherwise you may get an old version that you had loaded before.

You can now start to sign up for the homework problem H1,
see the link to a Doodle on the homepage.
You have to write your name and make a mark in the list.
If you collaborate, please write both names on the same line.

The course starts:
Monday 5th of November 2018 at 15.15 in MB

This year will make use of the programming language c.
Please make use of the scheduled Computerlabs the first week to get an introduction to c.
You find some C introductory material under "Reference material" to the left.

Computer lab sessions in room FT7203/4
The rooms are located in the building we call "Fysiks Forskarhus",
the building in the form of a cube just south of the MC2 building.
FT7203/4 is located on the floor no 7, the floor you enter when you come
from building Origo and pass through the connection between Origo
and "Fysiks Forskarhus".

When you view the homepage, please remember to Reload the current page.

Fannie Henriksson ( would like to find someone to collaborate with.