Kohn symposium - discussion topics

"DFT in Physics and Chemistry in Northern Europe" 

June 4-5, 1999

at Hjortviken Konferens, Hindås, 30 km east of  Göteborg, Sweden

Discussion topics - some of the suggested ones

No. Topic
1 Time-dependent DFT
2 xc potentials
3 Symmetry problems in DFT
4 DFT methods in chemistry and their accuracy, including gradient corrections and dispersion corrections to DFT
5 Excited states
6 Better functionals
7 GW and other higher level methods
9 Meta-GGAs
10 Magnetic susceptibilities
11 Why are LDA bond lengths so good?
12 Why does time-dependent LDA work so well?
13 Things I don't understand (!)
14 DFT and physical chemistry
15 Car-Parrinello method (Ab initio MD)
16 Molecular dynamics with DFT
17 Path integral MD with DFT
18 Linear scaling DFT methods
19 The vitality of dft theory at the graduate student level
20 Current-density functionals

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Latest change: 99-05-29