My background
•University degree from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (1982);
•Ph.D. degree from Kapitza Institute (1987).Expertise:
the electronic transitions (van Hove singularities) of the Fermi surfaces of pure metals and alloys, the magnetic and transport properties of the HTSC, intrinsic Josephson effect. See a summary of my research (will be updated soon).Experience:
the low temperature, vacuum and high-pressure techniques, photolithography and thin film technology, programming and data acquisition, SQUID- based magnetometry and ultra-low voltage measurements, design of low-temperature cryostats and equipment.Research interests:
transport and magnetic properties of HTSC, physics of vortices,
physics and application of the intrinsic Josephson effect,
semimetals: graphite and garphene, bismuth.
No. of publications in refereed journals: 60+
Teaching: FMI015; FMI020; FKA190; FKA196
I like: nature, music (ragtime), gag cartoons, jogging, tennis, and gym.
I dislike: boring stuff.
I also have lots of ideas.