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Friday, June 13

10.30 - 14.00 - Registration

12.30 - Lunch

(Chairman: M.V. Zhukov)

14.00 -14.15 - B. Jonson (CTH)

Opening remarks

14.15 -14.35 - I.J. Thompson (Surrey)

Three-body Continuum Structure and Response Functions of the

tex2html_wrap_inline198 He Halo Nucleus

14.45 -15.15 - A. Cobis (Aarhus)

Continuum Spectrum of Three-body Halos

- Coffee and check-in

(Chairman: J.A. Tostevin)

16.15 -16.35 - H. Simon (TH Darmstadt)

Break-up reactions of tex2html_wrap_inline200 Li, tex2html_wrap_inline200 Be and tex2html_wrap_inline204 Be at medium energies

16.45 -17.05 - J.O. Stott (Surrey)

Resonances in two and three body scattering

17.15 -17.35 - E. Yarevsky (Stockholm)

Finite element study of three-body systems with

nonzero total angular momentum

- Dinner

- Open discussion (Chairman: B. Jonson)

Saturday, June 14

(Chairman: H. Geissel)

9.00 - 9.20 - F. Nunes (Lisboa)

Not tex2html_wrap_inline206 Be tex2html_wrap_inline208 B again!

9.30 - 9.50 - N.K. Timofeyuk (Surrey)

Overlap integrals tex2html_wrap_inline210 Be tex2html_wrap_inline212 p tex2html_wrap_inline214 B tex2html_wrap_inline216 and the tex2html_wrap_inline218 B radius

10.00 - 10.20 - L.V. Grigorenko (CTH)

Discrete spectrum states of the three-body ``Nonborromean'' systems:

tex2html_wrap_inline198 Li and tex2html_wrap_inline218 B.

- Coffee break

(Chairman: I.J. Thompson)

11.00 -11.20 - J. Cub (TH Darmstadt)

Invariant-Mass and tex2html_wrap_inline224 -Ray Spectroscopy

using Secondary, Radioactive Ion Beams

11.30 -11.50 - J. Gómez-Camacho (Sevilla)

Dipole Coulomb Polarizability in the Scattering of Halo Nuclei

12.00 -12.20 - U.C. Bergmann (Aarhus)

Angular correlations in nuclear decay processes

- Lunch

(Chairman: K. Riisager)

14.00 -14.20 - T. Baumann (GSI)

Investigation of Halo Nuclei at Relativistic Energies

14.30 -14.50 - D. Ridikas (GANIL)

Exploratory coupled channels calculations for loosely bound

carbon isotopes

15.00 -15.20 - P. Banerjee (Surrey)

Finite Range Calculations of Breakup Cross Sections of tex2html_wrap_inline226 and tex2html_wrap_inline228

- Coffee break

(Chairman: H. Emling)

16.00 -16.20 - A. Deveikis (Kaunas)

Neutron skin thickness in g.s. of tex2html_wrap_inline230 Be

16.30 -16.50 - S. Grévy (Orsay)

Study of the tex2html_wrap_inline226 and tex2html_wrap_inline234 halo nuclei by core breakup reactions

17.00 -17.20 - D. Gridnev (Bergen)

Supersymmetry and Nuclear Halo Systems

- Conference Dinner

Sunday, June 15

(Chairman: G. Schrieder)

9.30 -9.50 - J.S. Vaagen (Bergen)

Up the Dripline

10.00 -10.30 - J.A. Tostevin (Surrey)

Adiabatic calculations of elastic scattering and elastic breakup of

light composite nuclei - Coffee break

(Chairman: J.S. Vaagen)

11.00 -11.20 - B.Eberlein (Mainz)

Break-up reactions of tex2html_wrap_inline218 He at 240 A MeV

11.30 -11.50 - J. Wurzer (Erlangen)

Momentum Distributions in Halo Nuclei

12.00 -12.20 - J. Meng (RIKEN)

Relativistic Continuum HB theory for exotic nuclei

- Lunch

End of the Workshop

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Thomas Nilsson
Wed Sep 17 15:52:10 MET DST 1997