CUL - Seminars with Justin Dillon 28-29 August

CUL - the Centre for Educational Science and Teacher Research - invites you to two seminars with Justin Dillon:

Engaging with the public:
Science education and science communication

28 August 13.00, Room KB (Chemistry, Chalmers area)

Informal learning and schools:
Research and practice

29 August, 9-11 (BE016, Pedagogen)

Justin Dillon is Head of the Science and Technology Education Group at the Department of Education and Professional Studies, King's College London. He is also secretary of the European Science Education Research Association, ESERA, and Editor of the International Journal of Science Education. His primary area of interest is environmental education and learning in both school and out-of-school contexts.

During recent years he has been involved e.g. with the NSF-supported Center for Informal Learning and Schools, CILS, and with the evaluation of the EU project PENCIL, Permanent European Resource Centre for Informal Learning.


Dessa öppna seminarier anordnas inom ramen för temat "Lärandets innehåll, process och miljö" inom CUL - Centrum för Utbildningsvetenskap och Lärarforskning ( CULs temaseminarier vänder sig till forskare och lärare inom universitet och högskolor eller verksamma inom skolan, utbildningsledare vid Göteborgs universitets fakulteter, inriktningsansvariga i lärarutbildningen vid Göteborgs universitet samt studenter i lärarutbildningen vid Göteborgs universitet.