Action research and professional development in math, science and technology education

One of the overarching aims of educational science is developing the potential for changing education. Focussing on educational change practice-oriented research, professional development and action research is of particular interest. Practice-oriented research develops its research questions directly from practice and feed back results into practice, resulting in certain kinds of educational change. Professional development engages faculty on a wider scale in the process of educational change, and this may rest on a scientific foundation. Action research goes further, and integrate practice, the process of change and professional development into the research process itself.

Practice-based research has in particular provided tools to investigate student learning and examine the effectiveness of different teaching strategies. Results have been proven to be relatively robust and may be accumulated. The availability of these results may in themselves be inspiring and empowering for teachers. Action research, that recruits teachers into the research process, may be motivating on a more fundamental level, but tends to be small-scale in its implementation. Professional development may bring the two together. During the workshop, we will explore the relation between research and practice in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) education. Learning situations both in the classroom and outside school will be considered.

The workshop is aimed at

Invited researchers

Wednesday April 2

Thusday, April 3,
14 Jan 2008, updated 1 April 2008, AMP