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Welcome to a seminar on

Molecular Education -
Discussions about a Hasselblad Foundation supported program

Time:Tuesday 20 February 10.00-12.00 (coffee from 9.30)
Place: KS1, Chemistry (Enter through main "Kemi" entrance, Kemigården, Chalmers area, then turn left. KS1 is the glass-covered room to the right. Walk around it to find the entrance.)
The Victor and Erna Hasselblad foundation intends to support a programme to inspire Public Learning and Understanding of Science, in particular of molecular sciences in a broad sense, from nanotechnology to life sciences, with a focus on children and teenagers. An important part of the initiative is the establishment of an interdisciplinary research programme combining natural and educational science.

The programme will bring together researchers with an interest both in educational science and in molecular sciences, from the atomic scale up to biomolecules, and with devotion to share the excitement of molecular science, in a belief that the world be a better place if the general public had a basic understanding of molecules. The intention is that programme will finance a few PhD students, with possibilities for additional PhD students financed by their schools, in analogy with the "CUL" graduate school at Göteborg university. The programme builds on the experiences from this graduate school, as well as the national graduate school of science and technology education, FoNTD, and from the SESAME and CILS programmes.

Join us for a seminar discussing the direction of the programme. Bring one or two suggestions for research questions in this area, and thoughts on how they might be investigated.

A few participants have been asked to give short introductions, keeping the second hour free for discussions.

Following the presentations, we plan 5-10 minutes small group discussions, as preparation for a joint discussion.

List of Participants
This page will be updated when needed., Feb 2007