Molecular Education - Background

This document presents a strategic plan and agenda for a research program focused on understanding how molecular science and its societal implications are learned and perceived by the public. An analysis leading to suggestions for the various components of the program is also presented briefly.

1. Concerned Citizens

Science-based technological innovations influence our daily lives in so many ways that are often imperceptible and taken for granted. Even when the science or technical aspects are noticed, many people have little understanding of the ideas or impact of science in society. Yet, in order to have a participatory democracy, it is important that the general public has a basic scientific understanding in order to be able to follow and participate in debates and decision making about complex issues, including energy, environment and health. Although these problems cannot be solved by science alone, they cannot be solved without science. Scientists, themselves, want to share the joy of their understanding nature, which enables them to build a view of the natural world from very few fundamental building blocks. Still, science has an image problem, since it is viewed by many as a cause of significant dangers to the environment and society. A serious concern is that many young people turn their backs on science and technology (S&T) in a society that needs a skilled and educated workforce to ensure continued development and technological competitiveness, but also to find solutions to deal with global problems. The problem is not unique to Sweden, but shared by most industrialized countries. [1] In this project, we aim to build a better understanding of ways to remedy the situation, both through evaluation of various approaches to reach young people, and by researching attitudes and understanding in various groups. A companion project aims to develop research-based ways to reach young people. In both projects focus will be on “Molecular Science” which we consider strategic from two angles: first, a negative image of chemistry both in school and society provides an obstacle to interest and engagement in many important chemistry-related problems and discussions, and as a consequence also to chemical education. Secondly, by taking a molecular approach, in a wider perspective than normally associated with chemistry, so many of the interesting problems that concern us deeply may be accessible and understood – including emerging new technologies related to environment, health and medicine.

2. A scientific approach

An understanding of molecular interactions does not in itself give the key to reaching young people. The problem is complex and no single effort can give the whole solution. To maximize the impact of efforts to change young people’s attitudes, we need to build on previous research and also on the experience of teachers and other professionals involved in various ways to inspire children's understanding of science. For many years, a large number of organizations have attempted to improve the situation. Göteborg runs an annual Science festival, attracting a large number of visitors. The Swedish government has sponsored to rounds of "NOT" projects (NOT - Science and Technology) [2], including teacher development workshops, seminars for teacher educators, resource centres for the science subjects, [3] the establishment of a number of science centres and a website linking inspiring teaching materials. On the European level is the EXPLORA website [4] developed by the European Science Centre organization, ECSITE [5] in collaboration with many universities, offer a source of teaching materials searchable by subject, language and age group. The large European research organizations produce high-quality educational material [6], and also run a workshop "Science on Stage" [7], bringing together European teachers and scientists to share the joy of science.

Is there any evidence that these efforts give results? Obviously a large number of factors influence young people's choices of education, but a number of reports hint to positive effects. E.g. Brian Woolnough [8] interviewed new science students at Oxford and Cambridge, and found that many of them referred to an extracurricular event, such as a science centre visit or a school visit by a scientist, as having played a large role in their decision to choose science. Guides e.g. at a science centre quickly become aware of the large differences in the outcome for various classes - and sense that an important factor is the way the teacher prepares the visit and integrates it with the ordinary school work - and, of course, also how they act during the visit. For the pupils, obviously also the follow-up work is important. The impression is confirmed by research [9].

Still, one might also ask if we (i.e. " the research establishment") are trying providing answers to the wrong questions. Many researchers in educational science have evaluated teenager’s knowledge and attitudes in national and international studies. We give here a few examples as a background to our proposed plans.

2.1 Research Background

Long ago, scientists and engineers were heroes. How did the situation change? For physics, the Manhattan project and the continuing development of nuclear weapons carry strongly negative emotional loads. For chemistry, environmental problems add to the negative images of warfare use. Young people's common stereotype image of a scientist as a weird old man, ready to perform any type of experiment, regardless of consequences, is well documented [10]. Today's technology is also often inaccessible for the curious youth, who may be more likely to play with and investigate a virtual world. Even if young people have a generally positive image to the potential of science to contribute to the solution of global problems, few of them consider a career in these fields. Research has also found that young people are quite well informed about science, and quite interested - but, in general, not in school science [see e.g. 10]. The National evaluations [11] confirm this conclusion, with chemistry marginally beating physics to the position for least interesting school subject. Britt Lindahl has followed three classes during nine years, interviewing every child once a year [12]. She found a marked drop in interest as children become teenagers. The drop in interest was particularly marked among girls - even more so when compared to other subjects.

What image of science and scientists do we offer in school, in curriculum and textbooks? Are scientists all "dead while men"? Are there "correct answers" to all questions? Is science about finding the right formula to insert the numbers from the textbook problems? Or is science dangerous (especially to girls! - check the textbooks!). Is there any possibility for a young person to contribute?

The situation is indeed problematic, and no single effort can solve all problems. Svein Sjøberg urges us as scientists to see that we, too, may have a part in the problem!

2.2 How can we influence teenagers?

Russell Stannard [13] notes that most people loose the senses of wonder as they become teenagers - whereas scientist he interviewed maintained the curiosity through old age. Can anything be done to prevent teenagers from loosing their curiosity? Obviously teachers are key actors, but we also know that many of them need and enjoy support in different ways. Channels outside school are an important complement to school experiences. Programs conducted outside of school may also give teenagers a possibility to interact more directly with scientists. This out of school learning, sometimes called "Informal learning", is a research field of its own. Science Centres often see "7-11" as the age group that is easiest to reach. Teenagers need to feel that their input makes a difference and need different types of programmes where they can interact with exhibits and experience science as exciting and personally relevant ideas and an engaging process in different ways [e.g. 14, 15]

The Wise/Viten project at Berkeley/Oslo [16, 17] provides a virtual learning environment, where the interaction between the learners is essential, with convenient feedback channels to/from the teacher. The technical setup also provides information about the character of the pupils’ interaction, as a complement to observations, video recordings and other tools available to the researcher, aiming for a deeper understanding. This can play a "key role in preparing young people to cope and deal responsibly with the emerging environmental challenges. Teaching must be based on knowledge of students' attitudes to the environmental protection issue." Schreiner and Sjøberg [1] emphasize that in order for citizens to be empowered, they must have hope and visions for the future, have a general feeling that she or he can influence the future of the world and be motivated for action towards environmental issues, and think that environmental protection is important for society and must be interested and engaged in the issue. The emotional aspects of science teaching must not be ignored!


  1. Camilla Schreiner and Svein Sjøberg (2005), Empowered for Action? How do Young People Relate to Environmental Challenges, Published in Alsop, Steve. Beyond Cartesian Dualism. Encountering Affect in the Teaching and Learning of Science Dordrecht: Springer, Science and Technology Education Library. (p 53-69), available at
  2. NOT Project, (or
  3. National Resource Centers: Physics: , Chemistry:, and Biology and Biotechnology
  4. Explora
  5. ECSITE,
  6. Eiroforum,
  7. Science on Stage,
  8. Brian E Woolnough (1994) Effective science teaching Open University Press
  9. See e.g. Hannu Salmi(1993): Science center education: Motivation and Learning in Informal Education, Thesis, Research Report 119, Dept. of Teacher Education, Univ. Helsinki.
  10. Svein Sjøberg, (2002) Pupils' experiences and interests relating to science and technology Some results from a comparative study in 21 countries , Contribution to Stockholm Library of Curriculum Studies,
  11. Björn Andersson, Frank Bach, Clas Olander och Ann Zetterqvist, Nationell utvärdering 2003 av biologi, fysik och kemi,
  12. Britt Lindahl (2003) Lust att lära naturvetenskap och teknik?, Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, Göteborg
  13. Russell Stannard (1996) Science and Wonder, (Faber & Faber)
  14. Nana Quistgaard (2006) 1.g-elever på et science center: Engageres de? – Påvirkes de? Thesis, Odense University
  15. Vaike Fors (2006), The Missing Link in Learning in Science Centers, Thesis, Umeå University, 2006:07,
  16. WISE,, Viten,
  17. Doris Jorde (2003) Good Practice in Using the Internet and Information Technology in Teaching and Learning Science, presentation at Nobel Symposium 120, Virtual Museums and Public Understanding of Science and Culture
  18. CUL, Centrum för Utbildningsvetenskap och Lärarforskning,
  19. FoNTD, Forskarskolan i Naturvetenskapernas och Teknikens Didaktik,
  20. CILS - Center for Informal Learning and Schools,
  21. SESAME, Studies in Engineering, Science And Mathematics Education
  22. Molecular Frontiers,