Hasselblad Seminar 2-3 April 2009

Understanding the Roles of Molecules - From Physics To Life

For two days graduate students and supervisors get together to listen to lectures in the area of Molecular Science Education and discuss the graduate student research projects.

We start at 10 on Thursday (coffee from 9) and finish around 14 on Friday.

Invited lecturer: Gail Jones, Nanoscale science education

The workshop is arranged in collaboration with the national graduate school of science and technology education FontD and the Göteborg University Center for Educational Sciences and Teacher Research

Location: Lisebergsbyn Kärralund


Thursday 2 April

10.00 Welcome. Images of atoms and molecules Ann-Marie Pendrill, Physics GU
10.15 Helge Strömdahl, FontD, The discernment of the concepts heat and temperature on the molecular referential level
10.45 Gail Jones: Scale and Scaling Across Science Domains
12.00 Lunch

13.30-15.00 Contributions
15.30-17: Contributions
17-18: Qualities in interdisciplinary PhD theses:
Introduction: Åke Ingerman, Lena Tibell, Helge Strömdahl
19.00 Conference dinner

Friday, 3 April

8.30 Contributions
10 Coffee
10.30 Contributions
11.00 Gail Jones: Haptics - Learning through touch
12.00 Lunch
13.00 Closing session

PhD students

Hasselblad graduate school
