Gem40, May - June 1996

Grupp A, A-M Pendrill

REDOVISNING TISDAG 4 JUNI, 9.15-14 (c:a), D3 54

Below follows an outline of seminars for the GEM40, group A. Literature used for this part:

Note that the seminars are planned so that you may share books. The three groups A, B and C read different books for the subject of each seminar. Read the whole books, but in particular the pages marked. Each group should be prepared to give a presentation for about 10-15 min about the theme from the perspective of the book, starting with the group marked. Discussions are encouraged - there should be plenty of time, and a lot to discuss!

Examination for the course involves a written project, due May 31st to me and the opponent group (to be assigned). I hope you will be able to use HTML (The language to produce WWW pages) to produce your report, and hope we can make them available on the internet. (Although it may be difficult to find free computers - let's see!) You should get comments back by Tuesday June 4th and have time to take them into accoount before producing one copy each for the other groups for the oral presentations on June 6-7.

2 May 12.30 - 15, Room D2 58
Seminar: Lisa, Alexandra and Christa
Lisa's last day
Monday, 6 May, 13-15 Room D3 51
Herlitz, Kulturgrammatik, Presentation by returned Swedes
Last hour or so: trying out Netscape/ WWW
Tuesday 7 May, 8.45-11.30 A1 71 Forumspel
Wednesday 8 May, 10 - 12, Room D3 52
Ethics, Lifestyle, Exponential growth
  1. von Wright, (MoF) p7-12, 24 -64, 143-51
  2. Hubendick 1-32, 70-106 + von Wright (MoF) 127-133
  3. Jönsson, "Avståndsetik", + Sundin 113-36 + VoF 24-30
All: Lindqvist, SOU 103-14, "Exponential growth"
Wednesday 8 May, 12.30-15.15, A1 71, Forumspel
Monday 13 May, 13 -15, Room D3 52
"Kretslopp": Photosynthesis, CO2 fossil fuels, composting, energy...
  1. Hubendick, p 33-58, 122-64
  2. Jönsson, p 43 ff, von Wright 42-4
  3. Sundin, 137-184
All: Agenda 21
Netscape again!
Wednesday 15 May, 10 - 12, Room D3 52
Economy, environment, resources
  1. Jönson + Sundin 185-
  2. von Wright: Teknosystemet, p 113-26, 134-51, VoF 130-49
  3. Hubendick. 59-70 +107-122, 165-180, + VoF 75-87
Wednesday May 22, 12-14, Room D1 58
Thursday May 23, 13-16, Room D3 52
Alexandra's and Christa's last day
Nature, Science, Culture, Technology (+ Discussion about projects)
All read Weisskopf
  1. How does the view of Nature affect Science and Culture?
    Lindqvist + follow-up (Cuvier, Darwin) von Wright (MoF) 134-143, VoF 43-54, 55-67
  2. The great cultures (essentially without science!) Sundin -112, von Wright (MoF) 13-23, VoF 31-37
  3. The effect of Science on Technology and Society, von Wright (MoF) 65-90, VoF 88-103, Weisskopf
24 May - 5 June, Handledning enligt överenskommelse
31.5 Rapport-inlämning till mig+ opponentgrupp
3juni, kommentarer
Följ upp, rätta, kopiera inför
Redovisningen, 6+7 juni, C2 49, 9-16 (OBS , Ändrat!) REDOVISNING TISDAG 4 JUNI, 9.15-14 (c:a), D3 54


With links to many other "search engines"

Writing Reports for WWW

Writing HTML
A tutorial for creating web pages, from the Maricopa Center for Learning and Instruction in Arizona at
Create you own file on a disk (unit a:), edit in Word (or any text processor), save as TEXT (important!) with suffix .html (also important)
Watch you work by opening your file at "unit a:" in Netscape.

I have collected various links to other texts that may be of interest: ""
Telephone: 772 3282 (voice), 772 3496 (fax)