Göteborg 20 March 1996

Additional Texts, Group A, Gem40

An outpost of Progress
Joseph Conrad
From The Biliungual Family - A Handbook for Parents,
E Harding and P Riley, Cambridge University Press, 1986
The Significance of Science
Essay by Victor F. Weisskopf, from
Physics in the Twentieth Century: Selected Essays, MIT Press, 1972
Book review: "The Scientific Lady"
Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, 1992, vol 17, p385-6
Astronomizing at ST ScI
Anne Kinney, in "Women in Astronomy"
From "Surely You're Joking Mr. Feynman!"
Teaching Physics in Brazil - on Physics and Cultural Clashes
Teaching Science
Victor F. Weisskopf, from "The Privilege of Being a Scientist"
Sustaining Life on the Earth
Robert W. Kates, Scientific American, Oct. 1994, p 92-98
Writing HTML
A tutorial for creating web pages, from the Maricopa Center for Learning and Instruction in Arizona at
In addition, I will also use "Chief Seattle's Speech" of which there are several versions on-line, (if you use also this page on-line, you can go there directly by "clicking") e.g.
Chief Seattle 1854 Speech at
Alternative Statement of Chief Seattle at
A Speech by Chief Seattle (Suquamish) in 1854 at
Read and enjoy - more to come!

"Heart of Darkness", Joseph Conrad
You may also like to take a look at e.g. "Heart of Darkness", which is available on-line at "http://www.en.utexas.edu/~benjamin/316kfall/316ktexts/heart.html" (also quited extensively by Sven Lindqvist). It is discussed in a student project (http://www.en.utexas.edu/~benjamin/316kfall/316kunit3/studentprojects/) within a course on British Literature at the University of Texas, Austin (http://www.en.utexas.edu/~benjamin/316kfall/)
Cultural Diversity and Early Education at http://www.nap.edu/nap/online/earlyed/contents.html
World Lecture Hall
"The World Lecture Hall (WLH) contains links to pages created by faculty worldwide who are using the Web to deliver class materials. For example, you will find course syllabi, assignments, lecture notes, exams, class calendars, multimedia textbooks, etc. "
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