WWW In School?

Ann-Marie Pendrill

WWW in School?

Virtual Conference on Virtual University, Aug, 1996, Australia
Spectrum Virtual University
Free on-line classes from "Virtual Planet"
Contemporary Physics Education Program, Partcile Data Group, LBL (and others)
The Internet and the World Wide Web (WWW)
Cornell Theory Center Collection of Guides and Reference materials, including:
Writing HTML
An tutorial for creating web pages, from the Maricopa Center for Learning and Instruction in Arizona. This tutorial uses an example with volcanoes to help teach html. If you follow the instructions verbatim, you will create a lesson called Volcano Web
Information från Skolverket
Internet för blåbär
WWW-introduktion på svenska, från KTH
Resurscentrum i Fysik, Lunds Universitet
"Med uppgift att stödja fysiken i skolans alla stadier"
Se också IT och datorstödd utbildning
Centre for Information Technology in Education
Physics Education Group
Physics Department, University of Washington
Physics Education Projects,
Physics Courseware Evaluation Project
Instructional Technlology Program
Interactive Physics
Courseware Developers and Users Group
ScienceSpace Project, George Mason University
NewtonWorld, MaxwellWorld and PaulingWorld
The association for managing and using information resources in higher education
A Web Guide for Kids including suggestions for
Child Safety on the Information Highway
(Personliga reflexioner)
The Bandwidth Conservation Society

Fler Guider för att göra egna WWW -sidor
WWW in the school?. March 1996,