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January 21, 2016, 8:00-9:45 Introduction lecture Noise in Electrical Measurement Technology: concepts, challenges, and opportunities, FB-salen, Per Hyldgaard.
This spring, 2016, I teach second-year physics students at Chalmers in experimental physics: electrical measurement techniques (overall course: TIF081B) as well as grade the reports in this partial-course focus on noise in measurements (``Brus och Stör''). The focus is described on this webpage.
Student projects on noise and corresponding projects on ultra-fast measurements, on frequency analysis, and on computer-guided experiments, define our experimental-physics Electrical measurement Technology class Elmät-B (TIF081B) . This webpage for the Noise ``Brus och Stör'' subcourse/component provides information for the noise component only.
We guide (and grade) you in your noise (``Brus och stör) projects. You must turn in a preliminary study (``förstudie'') at our discussion approximately two weeks in advance of your actual lab-session (and approximately one week in advance of our prestudy discussions (``förstudie samtal'')). Make sure to check the main course webpage for the dates scheduled for your preliminary-study paper and discussion meeting and for your (noise) lab sessions.
Two parts really: (a) a study paper; and (b) a 15 minutes discussion/guidance on how to best solve the noise-in-measurement challenges.
Preliminary-study advising: at ``Plaze del la Förstudie'' (The square on the 7'th floor of forskarhuset).
Be prepared (do a good preliminary study and remember it) --- On the ``förstudie-datum,'' the advising for "Brus och Stör" starts at 10:00 and consists of concentrated 15 minutes/group guidance and discussion sessions.
STUDY the course reference books, and TURN IN
good preliminary study papers.
We grade these papers and they help you do well at the measurements
Our El-mät course emphasis is on student group collaborations in solving realistic and relevant experimental-physics problems. The introductory Elmät-B introduction lectures and component webpages, provides the necessary background and framework, as well as some tips. Manuals and advice can also be found in the ``Brus och Störning'' booklet.
You students have the motivation and are handed experimental challenges, lab-access, equipment and manuals, facilities to bug-find and repair essential equipment. Lab assistants evaluate your experimental work while we teachers both guide you in preliminary studies and grade your overall class performance. We do not follow any text book as the measurements projects and your inspiration define the progress. Here are the references books/booklets that you have available:
I recommend additional background reading for those interested in the nature of electronic disturbances and noise and for those interested in understanding the theory of noise. However, please do focus also on your experimental challenges.