Fee Payment The 8th International Workshop "From Andreev Reflection to the International Space Station" Bjorkliden, Kiruna, Sweden, March 20-27, 2004 Workshop fee: 9000 kr - double room, 10200 kr - single room, 7100 kr - cottage for 4-5 persons. The fee includes full lodging, board and a copy of the Proceeding. The fee payment should be sent to a bank account of Chalmers University There are two ways of payment: 1. Payment through a Bank account: NORDEA, S-405 09 Gothenburg, Sweden Swift code NDEASEGG bank account 3055 77 11 371 Chalmers Project: 59300 / 5920129 Fee for Bjorkliden Workshop (don't forget to point out the project N for correct money transferring) 2. Payment from your Visa/Master card: Send information about your card to Ann-Marie Frykestig f4aaf@fy.chalmers.se (and copy for me) E-mail with information about sending money, date of staying, and way of transportation should be sent at the same time. Registration form is applied. Leonid Kuzmin, Chairman Associate Professor Department of Microelectronics and Nanoscience Physics and Engineering Physics Chalmers University of Technology S-41296 Gothenburg, Sweden Tel: +46 31 772 3608 Mobil: +46 73 752 72 32 Fax: +46 31 772 3471 e-mail: kuzmin@fy.chalmers.se WWW: http://fy.chalmers.se/~kuzmin/