The 9th International Workshop "From Andreev Reflection to the Earliest Universe" Björkliden, Kiruna, Sweden, April 2-9, 2005 Workshop fee: 9800 kr - double room, 11000 kr - single room, 7400 kr - cottage for 5 persons. The fee includes full lodging and board, a copy of the Proceeding. Deadline for registration and 1-2 page abstract: January 21, 2005 The fee payment should be sent to a bank account of Chalmers University There are two ways of payment: 1. Payment through a Bank account: NORDEA, S-405 09 Gothenburg, Sweden Swift code NDEASEGG bank account 3055 77 11 371 Chalmers Project: 59300 / 5920129 Fee for Bjorkliden Workshop 2. Payment from your Visa/Master card: Send information about your card to Ann-Marie Frykestig E-mail with information about sending money, date of staying, and way of transportation should be sent me at the same time. Registration form is applied. Milestones: 1. Preliminary information about intention to participate (possibly with some probability of participation) - just on receiving this message for preliminary planning 2. Registration, Fee payment, and 1-2 pages abstract, Deadline – January 21. 3. Workshop – April 2-9 (or April 10 – for European meetings or for cheap air tickets) 4. Manuscript for Proceeding, up to 10 pages, (or abstract and selected transparences). Deadline – during conference (or latest - April 22). Leonid Kuzmin, Associate Professor Department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience Chalmers University of Technology S-41296 Gothenburg, Sweden Tel: +46 31 772 3608 Mobil: +46 73 752 72 32 Fax: +46 31 772 3471 e-mail: WWW: