My arrangements and plans: 2005

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Jan 03 Mon
Driving Gieraltow -- Warsaw
=Lunch with Ania and Hubert at Jasna Gora
Jan 04 Tue
In Warsaw
Recording for the TV educational program about black holes
Jan 05 Wed
Driving Warsaw -- Copenhagen
Jan 05 Wed
Jan 06 Thu
Nights in Copenhagen: 05/06, 06/07
One whole day in Copenhagen: Jan 06 Thu
Discussing with Axel and Helle administrative arrangements of my Nordita's 2005 Nordic Project
Jan 07 Fri
Driving Copenhagen -- Göteborg
Jan 08 Sat
Jan 16 Sun
In Göteborg
Erasmus student Eva Sramkova arrives for 5 months
She will attend my courses at GU/CTH and work under my supervision on the Aschenbach effect
Jan 16 Sun
Flight to Bombay
Jan 16 Sun
Jan 23 Sun
In Bombay: Conference "Spectra and Timing of Accreting X-ray Binaries" (my invited lecture).
Jan 23 Sun
Arrival from Bombay at 13:30
First lecture at 15:15 the next day (on Monday)
Jan 24 Mon
Mar 10 Thu
No teaching:
=Wed 9 Feb
=Mon 28 Feb
=Tue 01 Mar
Black Holes
|| Mon 15-17 FL64 || Wed 10-12 FL72
Universe of Galaxies
|| Tue 10-12 FL73 || Thu 13-15 FL73
Feb 17 Thu
Erasmus student Gabriel Török arrives to Göteborg
for the period 17-24 February, and 01-05 March (between these periods also with me: at the Workshop that I organize in Copenhagen). I work with Gabriel on QPOs in microquasars and differences between NS and BH sources.

Gabriel will stay privately with me in order to cut costs.
Feb 24 Thu
Driving in my car Göteborg-Copenhagen
with two Erasmus students: Gabriel Török and Eva Sramkova
(driving together to cut costs)
Feb 24 Thu
Mar 01 Tue
=That I organize=

link to the program
Mar 01 Tue
Driving in my car Copenhagen-Göteborg
with two Erasmus students: Gabriel Török and Eva Sramkova
(driving together to cut costs).
Mar 10 Thu
The last lecture in Period 3
Mar 12 Sat
Mar 14 Mon
Mar 15 Tue
Mar 20 Sun
Mar 24 Thu
=Good Thursday (=Wielki Czwartek)
Mar 25 Fri
Flight Göteborg--Amsterdam--Houston--Cozumel
=Good Friday (=Wielki Piatek)
Mar 26 Sat
Arrival to Cozumel
=Good Saturday (=Wielka Sobota)
Mar 27 Sun
Apr 01 Fri
Conference in Cozumel "Triggering Relativistic Jets"
Mar 27 =Easter Sunday (=Niedziela Wielkanocna)
My invited lecture: Black Hole Physics
Apr 01 Fri
Flight back to Göteborg
Arrival to Göteborg the same day (Apr 1, Fri)
=Mon Apr 4 new teaching period starts (Period 4)
Apr 04 Mon
May 20 Fri
No teaching:
=Tue 04 Apr
=Thu 05 May
(together with Gustaf Rydbeck)
Modern Cosmology
|| Tue 13-15 FL74 || Thu 13-15 FL64
Sometime in
April --- May
Dr Staszek Bajtlik arrives from Warsaw to Göteborg for approximately two weeks, to help developing new points in my course with Gustaf that are connected to the dark matter problem. The idea is to edit lecture notes in a form of a book (first as a university publication), and make a DVD multimedia addition to it.
May 21 Sat
May 23 Mon
May 24 Tue
Exams (together with Gustaf Rydbeck)
Jun 05 Sun
Flight to San Francisco (Göteborg -- Munich -- San Francisco)
Note: return on 31 July
Jun 06 Mon
Jun 23 Thu
At Stanford University, California
I will work there with Prof. Robert Wagoner, on accretion disk non-linear oscillations. Wagoner is (together with Prof. Shoji Kato of Kyoto University) the best expert in the world in this particularly important and difficult subject. I have a new idea in the subject, that already attracted a considerable attention of the community. Developing it quickly and efficiently is my highest research priority. A possibility of meaningful working contacts with the two best world experts is for me a very desirable investment in the future of my research group. (I will meet again Robert Wagoner, together with Shoji Kato, the other famous expert in the subject, in August 2005, at the Wojnowice Castle Workshop that I organize.)
Jun 24 Fri
Driving Stanford -- Santa Barbara
(a stop in Santa Cruz on Saturday to talk to Prof. Piero Madau ???)
Jun 25 Sat
Arriving to Santa Barbara
Jun 26 Sun
Jul 29 Fri
In Santa Barbara, Institute of Theoretical Physics
I was invited to participate one month in an ITP research program (on relativistic disks and jets). ITP research programs are widely considered to the best in the world in their type, and invitation to attend one is considered to be a clear recognition of a world-status. It is my third ITP program that I am attending. I hope that two Ph.D. students whom I am helping to supervise, Paola Rebusco (an Italian student at the Max-Planck-Institute, Munich), and Jiri Horak (a Czech student at the Charles University, Prague), will be granted special, very competitive, ITP students grants, and will join me at Santa Barbara. Three my Ph.D. students have been awarded such ITP grants previously.
Jul 30 Sat
Driving to San Francisco
Staying one night in San Francisco 30/31
Jul 31 Sun
Flight San-Francisco --- Munich --- Göteborg
Staying one night in San Francisco 30/31
Jul 31 Sun
Aug 04 Thu
In Göteborg
Aug 04 Thu
Driving Göteborg --- Wojnowice
Aug 04 Thu
Aug 06 Sat
In Wojnowice to check all arrangements for the the Workshop in the end of August (nights 04/05, 05/06)

Sunday August 06, driving to Gieraltow
Aug 08 Mon
Aug 26 Fri
HOLIDAYS --- 15 working days
(=with Henryka in Gieraltow=)
August 25, Friday: driving Gieraltow--Wojnowice
(I include this day in my holidays, although I am travelling on that day to a Workshop that I organize in Wojnowice)
Aug 27 Sat
Sep 03 Sat
=That I organize=

link to the program
Sep 03 Sat
Sep 08 Thu
Early morning bus Wojnowice--Prague on 03 September, Saturday
In Prague
In Prague 03-08 Sep follow-up of the Wojnowice Castle Workshop: working on multiple-scale approach to black hole accretion with Jiri Horak, and on the ray-tracing method with Michal Bursa. Thy are both Ph.D. student of the Charles University. I published with them two papers in 2004.
Sep 08 Sat
Sep 22 Thu
In Opava
THE ERASMUS PROGRAM: continuation of the work done with Erasmus students in Göteborg earlier in the year: Gabriel Török, Eva Sramkova, and Erasmus student Petr Slany, who was working with me in Copenhagen in 2004.

On September 22, Thursday train to Warsaw
Sep 22 Thu
Sep 27 Tue
In Warsaw
=Continuation of the work with S. Bajtlik on the multi-media version of the course that he helped to develop during his earlier visit to Göteborg
=Work with Prof. Wlodek Kluzniak on QPOs in black hole and neutron stars.
=Recording for TV educational programs
Sep 27 Tue
Sep 28 Wed
Sep 28 Tue: train Warsaw--Wroclaw, one day and night in Wroclaw
(lecture at the Institute of Theoretical Physics, Wroclaw University)
On Sep 28 flight Wroclaw--Copenhagen
==NOTE: the return flight Copenhagen-Wroclaw on December 17
Sep 28 Wed
Oct 05 Wed
At Nordita, in Copenhagen
To conduct research on QPOs in black holes and neutron stars in the framework of Nordita's Nordic Project that I coordinate. Several senior Nordic researchers and several Nordic Ph.D. students (all paid by Nordita) will come to Nordita to work there under my leadership.

On October 05, Wednesday flight Copenhagen--Paris
Oct 05 Wed
Nov 05 Sat
In Paris, Institut d'Astrophysique Paris (IAP)
=with the Distinguished Grant of the French Government=

Institut d'Astrophysique in Paris rivals the English Cambridge in its excellency in theoretical astrophysics research. (Notabene, I was last time at the Institute of Astronomy in Cambridge in 2003, and I plan my next visit there in 2006, as I have no time this year to visit Cambridge.) For many astrophysicists, the Paris Institute is today the best place in Europe to conduct theoretical research in high-energy astrophysics.
=I will work there, with Prof. Jean-Pierre Lasota, the best-known French theoretician, on QPOs in CVs.
=I will also work with Prof. Suzy Collin (IAP) and Dr Toshihiro Kawaguchi (Osawa, Japan) on super-Eddington luminosities in quasars.
=Dr Kawaguchi will specially come to Paris to work with me and Prof. Collin there, and he will be paid by the French.

November 03, Thursday: flight Paris--Copenhagen
Nov 05 Sat
Dec 17 Sat
At Nordita, in Copenhagen
To conduct research on QPOs in black holes and neutron stars in the framework of Nordita's Nordic Project that I coordinate. Several senior Nordic researchers and several Nordic students (all paid by Nordita) will come to Nordita to work there under my leadership.
==NOTE: one week in Göteborg during this period==
On December 17, Saturday: flight Copenhagen--Wroclaw
On December 18, Sunday: in Wroclaw

On December 19, Monday: travelling for Christmas holidays
Dec 19 Mon
Dec 31 Sat
HOLIDAYS --- 9 working days
in Alps, skiing ???