From: "Marek Abramowicz" Date: Fri, October 15, 2004 18:04 To: "Marek Abramowicz" "Didier Barret" "Omer Blaes" "Axel Brandenburg" "Vladimir Karas" "Shoji Kato" "Wlodek Kluzniak" "William Lee" Jeff McClintock" "Ron Remillard" "Zdenek Stuchlik" "Bob Wagoner" "Michal Bursa" "Jirka Horak" "Paola Rebusco" "Gabriel Torok" "Eva Sramkova" Cc: "Marek Abramowicz" -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Colleagues, Please read about a few updates concerning our Workshop. They are not yet put at the webpage of the Workshop but I will soon update also the webpage. I. NEW PARTICIPANTS I am very glad to tell that Didier Barret accepted my invitation and he will join us at the Castle. With this addition the list of senior participants is closed. We may still have room for at most three more students, in connection with grants that I hope we receive. II. ROOMS ALLOCATION AT THE CASTLE .........The Courtyard Rooms..................... Room 10=[bathroom shared with room 11]..Didier Barett Room 11=[bathroom shared with room 10]..Axel Brandenburg .........The First Floor Rooms................... Room 12=[private bathroom]..............Marek Abramowicz and wife Room 13=[private bathroom]..............Bob Wagoner and wife Room 14=[private bathroom]..............Jeff McClintock and wife Room 15=[private bathroom]..............Shoji Kato and wife Room 16=[bathroom shared with room 17]..Zdenek Stuchlik Room 17=[bathroom shared with room 16]..Ron Remillard .........The Second Floor Rooms.................. [There are two bathrooms to share between 4 people] Room 18=................................Wlodek Kluzniak Room 19=[wash-hand basin]...............Omer Blaes Room 21=[wash-hand basin]...............Vladimir Karas Room 22=................................William Lee .........The Gardeners House...................... [Two bathrooms and two toilets to share] Room A=.................................Paola Rebusco Eva Sramkova Room B=.................................Gabriel Torok Michal Bursa Room C=.................................Jirka Horak ............. Room D=.............................................. ............. III. THE PRAGUE-OPAVA OPTION All arrangements at the Castle are already firmly fixed, but there may be also an additional option. Together with Vladimir Karas (Prague) and Zdenek Stuchlik (Opava), I would like to arrange that some senior participants could come to the Workshop via Prague. At the moment, this is only an idea. Our Czech colleagues must find funds to support such arrangements. It would help a lot if they know how many of you are interested. Prague, "the Golden City", is a most attractive tourist destination all year round but particularly in August, so all bookings must be done well in advance, and one year in advance is a standard. This is a suggested plan: Aug 23 Tue......individual arrivals to Prague Aug 24 Wed......1st Day in Prague (just enjoy the Golden City individualy or with a Czech colleague as a guide) Aug 25 Thu......2nd Day in Prague (afternoon: two lectures,dinner) Aug 26 Fri......10:00am bus to Opava, half a day in Opava Aug 27 Sat......One ay in Opava (two lectures, dinner) Aug 28 Sun......14:00 (after lunch) bus to the Castle, The Wojnowice Castle Workshop starts with a Dinner at 20:00 and Liqueurs at 21:15 Aug 29 Mon......1st Day of the Wojnowice Castle Workshop Aug 30 Tue......2nd Day Aug 31 Wed......3rd Day Sep 1 Thu......4th Day Sep 2 Fri......5th Day. 17:00 bus to Prague, arrives well before 22:00 one night in Prague, 2/3 Sep Sep 3 Sat......individual departures from Prague =Accomodation in Prague and one dinner will be free (also for wives) except possibly the last night, 2/3 Sep, for which you pay =Opava is a charming Moravian university town midway between Prague and the Wojnowice Castle =Accomodation in Opava and one dinner will be free (also for wives) =All bus trips take less than 3-4 hours, bus will be free (also for wives) and it will be booked only for us =Lectures in Prague and Opava will be given by some of us for the local Faculty and Ph.D. students (the same lectures as the ones given later during the Workshop at the Castle). *************************************************** *** Please, email me asap if you are interested *** *** in taking the Prague-Opava option. *** *************************************************** IV. THE PROGRAM, LECTURES I was told that a few key members of the Wroclaw scientific establishment will be absent late August, and thus having public lectures in town during that time would not be politically correct. I must respect this advice. Therefore, there will be no Bob's lecture in town, and Ron's lecture will be only for us. I still think, how to accomodate in the program all very helpful suggestions that several of you have sent me. I am working on this, and I do already see that it will be neccesary to make the Workshop one hour longer: we will finish one hour later on Friday. I hope that you could agree to this change. Best regards, Yours Marek (SOC and LOC)