Dear Helle and Rose-Marie, I just received an estimate of the costs of the Wojnowice Workshop that I organize. The Wojnowice Workshop is a follow-up of the Nordita Days on QPOs that took place earlier this year. It is an important part of my Nordic Project in 2005. There are also pre-Workshop and after-Workshop (2 days each) scientific activities at Opava and Prague that considerably increase the impact of the Workshop. They are quite important from the research point of view, but irrelevant to the economy discussed here, as all these additional research activities are paid in full from Czech research grants that I secured. The estimate of the cost of the Workshop is in Polish, and given in Polish currency. I enclose its original in the attachment. Here is a short summary in English -- 23 participants, 5 full days, and the following items: 1. Accommodation in the Castle...............8.700 PLZ 2. Accommodation in the "Gardener's House"...1.350 3. Conference room...........................1.500 4. Meals....................................13.200 5. Transport, internet, etc. ................1.500 Total......26.250 Out of the 23 participants 7 are Nordic, or being recently studying at Nordic universities. Dividing the total costs in proportion to Nordic participants, gives 8.000 PLZ (Nordic) and 18.250 PLZ (others). I suggest paying 8.000 PLZ from my Nordic Project at Nordita, and 18.250 PLZ from my VR grant at Gothenburg University. Converting this to Danish and Swedish currency, 8.000 PLZ = 14.500 DKK to be paid by Nordita 18.250 PLZ = 40.500 SEK to be paid by Department of Physics, GU I would appreciate it very much if you could separately arrange payments of these sums to the following bank account: Beneficent: Z.Z.DPT-Wojnowice-Zamek Bank: Bank Zachodni WBK SA O/Sroda Slaska Account number: 77 1090 2444 0000 0006 1800 3781 SWIFT code: WBKPPLPP Best regards, Marek PS Helle, I could be that three Nordic students (Magnus, Linnea, and Askar) will need travel support to attend. I hope, their universities will help, but if not, I intend to pay each of them up to 2.000 DKK from my Nordic Project. This means that I could take up to 20.500 DKK from the Project to pay the Workshop. In addition, I will pay 600 EUR = 4.500 DKK for the Proceedings of the Nordita Days on QPOs (Editors Abramowicz and Brandenburg). Axel negotiated an excellent deal with Astronomische Nachrichten, our publisher. M. ================================================== Marek A. Abramowicz, Professor of Astrophysics at Göteborg University ================================================== phone +46 31772 3135, fax +46 31772 3204 ================================================== Postal address: Theoretical Physics Chalmers University 412-96 Göteborg, Sweden ==================================================