The 2005 Wojnowice Castle Workshop
   =High frequency QPOs:
   =theory and observations

Zamek w Wojnowicach (Poland)
From 28th August 2005 to 2nd September 2005

Supported by: VR,  Nordita's Nordic Project,  Czech Gov. 

Organizer:  Marek Abramowicz (Göteborg University and Nordita)
Senior participants: Didier Barret (CRNS, Toulouse),  Omer Blaes (Santa Barbara),  Axel Brandenburg (Copenhagen),  Vladimir Karas (Prague),  Shoji Kato (Nara),  Włodek KluĽniak (Zielona Gora),  Jeff McClintock (Smithsonian),  Ron Remillard (MIT),  Zdeněk Stuchlík (Opava),  Bob Wagoner (Stanford),  Student participants: Marco Ajello (München),  Michal Bursa (Prague),  Jírka Horak (Prague),  Paola Rebusco (München),  Gabriel Török (Opava and Göteborg),  Eva ©rámková (Opava and Göteborg). 

 The Castle Homepage 

Aug 28 Sun =Day 1st=    =Arrival of participants
20:00 -- 21:00 First dinner (casual dress tonight)
21:00 -- 22:00 The First QPOs Liqueurs Session (Marek)

Aug 29 Mon =Day 2nd=    =Basic observational facts about QPOs
09:00 -- 10:00 Breakfast
10:00 -- 10:45 Lecture by Jeff: =X-ray binaries
10:45 -- 11:30 Discussion
=coffee served from 10:45

11:30 -- 12:15 Lecture by Ron: =Black hole QPOs
12:15 -- 13:00 Discussion
13:00 -- 14:30 Lunch
14:30 -- 15:15 Lecture by Didier: =Neutron star QPOs
15:15 -- 16:00 Discussion
16:00 -- 20:00 Individual work and discussions
=tea served 17:00-17:30

20:00 -- 21:00 Dinner (please, dress up: jacket and tie for gentlemen)
21:00 -- 22:00 The Second QPOs Liqueurs Session (Bob)

Aug 30 Tue =Day 3rd=    =Linear and non-linear diskoseismology, resonances
09:00 -- 10:00 Breakfast
10:00 -- 10:45 Lecture by Bob: =Linear diskoseismology
10:45 -- 11:30 Discussion
=coffee served from 10:45

11:30 -- 12:15 Lecture by Wlodek: =The resonance model of QPOs
12:15 -- 13:00 Discussion
13:00 -- 14:30 Lunch
14:30 -- 15:15 Lecture by Shoji: =Non-linear diskoseismology
15:15 -- 16:00 Discussion
16:00 -- 20:00 Individual work and discussions
=tea served 17:00-17:30

20:00 -- 21:00 Dinner (please, dress up)
21:00 -- 22:00 The Third QPOs Liqueurs Session (Paola)

Aug 31 Wed =Day 4th=    =Fundamental issues. Short talks
09:00 -- 10:00 Breakfast
10:00 -- 10:45 Lecture by Jirka: =Mathematics of a non-linear resonance
10:45 -- 11:30 Discussion
=coffee served from 10:45

11:30 -- 12:15 Lecture by Omer: =Oscillations of fluid tori
12:15 -- 13:00 Discussion
13:00 -- 14:30 Lunch
14:30 -- 16:30 =SHORT CONTRIBUTIONS (Part 1):
    || 14:30-15:00 = Paola: =The Bursa line (a forced resonance?)
    || 15:00-15:30 = Gabriel: =Sagittarius A*
    || 15:30-16:00 = Michal: =Modulation by lensing
    || 16:00-16:30 = Zdenek: =The Aschenbach effect
16:30 -- 17:30 tea
17:30 -- 18:30 =SHORT CONTRIBUTIONS (Part 2):
    || 17:30-18:00 = Eva: =Oscillations of non-slender tori
    || 18:00-18:30 = Jirka: =Paczynski's modulation of NS QPOs
18:30 -- 20:00 Far niente
20:00 -- 21:00 Dinner (please, dress up)
21:00 -- 22:00 The Fourth QPOs Liqueurs Session (Axel)

Sep 01 Thu =Day 5th=    =Numerical models
09:00 -- 10:00 Breakfast
10:00 -- 10:45 Lecture by Axel: =MHD simulations of accretion disks
10:45 -- 11:30 Discussion
=coffee served from 10:45

11:30 -- 12:15 Lecture by Vladimir: =The disk-line problem in GR
12:15 -- 13:00 Discussion
13:00 -- 14:30 Lunch
14:30 -- 20:00 Individual work and discussions
=tea served 17:00-17:30

20:00 -- 21:00 Dinner (please, dress up)
21:00 -- 22:00 The Last QPOs Liqueurs Session (Jeff)

Sep 02 Fri =Day 6th=    =The last day, summary
09:00 -- 10:00 Breakfast
10:00 -- 11:00 Summary of the Workshop by Omer (and discussion)
11:00 -- 11:30 coffee
11:30 -- 12:00 Far niente
12:00 -- 13:00 Lunch
13:00 -- 13:15 THE END OF THE WORKSHOP
13:15 -- 13:20 Bus and cars for Prague