Gravitation and Cosmology Period II, autumn semester 2010. Course code FFM071/FIM450. 7.5 hp.
For the cosmology part we use parts of a more modern review: TASI Lectures on cosmology Lecturer:
Assistant teacher Examination is done with two sets of home assignments
and a home exam.
(hand in to Christian or Martin, or put in the little box outside Martins's office) Home assignment, 2st set of problems - due Dec. 10 Home examination - due Jan. 17 Examination problems 2009: Examination problems 2008: Examination problems 2007: Grades are given according to:
from TimeEdit
Lectures: Mondays 10-12 and Tuesdays 15-17 in O6115 Plan: Lecture 1: Introduction. Review of special relativity: 2.1-4 Lecture 2: Review of special relativity: 2.5-9 Lecture 3: The equivalence principle: 3.1-5 Lecture 4: Tensor analysis: 4.1-9 Lecture 5: Curvature of space-time: 6.1,3,4-8 Lecture 6: Einstein's equations: 7:1,4 Lecture 7: The Schwarzschild solution: 8.1-3,8 Lecture 8: Einstein's equations, action principle: 12.1-4 Lecture 9: Classic tests: 8.4-6; Black holes Lecture 10: Gravitational radiation: 10.1-5 Lecture 11: Isometries, symmetric spaces: 13.1-3 Lecture 12: Symmetric spaces: 13.3-5. Cosmology Lecture 13: Cosmology Lecture notes from 2008, written by Christian von SchultzLinks: Gravity
course by G. 't Hooft, Utrecht - contains useful exercise problems