Project suggestions

From Arne Kihlberg: Open-ended problems and computer simulations in Newtonian mechanics

I.9 You are riding a bike and have just reached the top of a hill. Before the descent you would like to know what is better: to pedal initially say half the distance, or to pedal all the distance with half that force (thus spending the same energy). Of course the air resistance is important. Make reasonable assumptions about all forces, the slope angle and so on, and come up with a suggestion based on a few different cases. Of course the word "better" has to be given a precise meaning.

I.20 There is a theory that meteor grains have fallen down on the surface of the earth carrying organic molecules, which then have started life on earth (possibly more than once, because of extinctions due to comets or large meteors hitting earth). Assume an atmosphere similar to that today, with negligable temperature differences, and assume that the grain falls vertically. Find the speed relative to the atmosphere, and how it depends on grain size and density. Also find the maximal power of the friction force. If the power is low enough, the molecules will not be destroyed by heat -- setting a limit is not necessary in this exercise, though). For simplicity assume that the grains have the same velocity as earth when they are well above the atmosphere, say at a height of 500 km. What difference does it make if the grain initially has a velocity of typically, say, 10 km/s?

I.21 A rocket is fired vertically from ground level, and should reach the upper atmosphere. Try to chose realistic dimensions, masses and exhaust velocity to achieve the task. How big a payload can the rocket carry?

I.26 A person stands at rest on a raft, which is also at rest on the water. When she starts walking, we all know that the raft starts moving. Examine the motion of the raft, taking into account the friction from the water. In particular, what is the position of the raft after a long time (i.e., a long time after the person has come to rest at the other end of the raft). Use different models of the water resistance.

II.22 A small ball moves between two points A and B located at the same height. It can either roll on a horizontal track, or on a curved track which goes down (giving the particle an acceleration due to gravity), and then up again to B. Choose a simple shape for the curved track, and examine under what circumstances the curved one provides the fastest transport. Friction can be neglected.

II.29 A wood model of a seagull consists (essentially) of two rods (the wings) and a central body. Two strings are attached to the wings and to the ceiling. Select lengths and masses, and arrange the strings suitably so that the gull can perform a beautiful motion similar to that of a real bird.

III.15 The support of a pendulum has an oscillatory horizontal motion. Set up its equation of motion, and analyze the motion for different parameter values. Determine how the behavior varies with the frequency of the horizontal motion? For example, is there chaotic motion?

III.25 A person is trying to balance a stick by moving the supported end horisontally. Make a model for how the information about the inclination of the stick should result in a motion of the hand.

III.31 A sphere is elastically suspended by two springs going straight up and straight down, and is free to swing horizontally under the influence of a constant wind. Show that an oscillation may build up if the size and wind speed are appropriately chosen. For experimental results for the drag coefficient of a sphere, see Homework 1. To simplify the equation, you may assume that the restoring force from the springs depends linearly on the displacement. What is the lesson to be learnt?

IV.21 When the spring of a simple music box is wound up, it produces a large torque, that then decreases, and the speed of the mechanical parts will also decrease. Consequently the pitch of the music (really?! Mats), as well as the tempo, will change annoyingly. A simple stabilizer of the speed consists of an air-brake. It is simply a rectangular plate on one of the rotating axes in the clockwork. Evaluate the efficiency of such a brake, making all necessary assumptions about the parameters of a simplified music box.