FKA070 Advanced Problem Solving 2

(5 credit units)
0706 - School of Physics and Engineering Physics
(Sekt F CTH/GU)


The aim of the course is to provide extensive and deep training in solving advanced problems beyond what is possible within the course Advanced Problem Solving 1. The problems will be defined in terms of case studies in e.g. nanophysics, superconductivity, biological physics and materials physics and may involve both theoretical and experimental aspects. The problems will combine basic knowledge acquired in previous courses with topical questions of high interest in research and development. For theoretical problems, the approach will involve problem formulation as well as analytic and numeric calculations, evaluations of results and comparison with experiment. For experimental problems, the approach will involve problem formulation, assembly of equipment, experiment, evaluations of results and comparison with theory.


The course will normally consist of a single case study or mini-project. The study may involve a broader and deeper investigation of a problem treated in the course Advanced Problem Solving 1, or it may involve a new problem. The problems will deal with topics of recent interest in research and development.


Introductory written material.
Scientific articles.


Written reports and oral presentations.
Only the grade "passed" will be given.