Applied Quantum Physics- Quantum Physics of Nanosystems

for F4, lp3 1995/96 (3 points)

A teaching experiment on Project Based Learning without formal lectures.

The scheduled time ** 4 hours on Tuesday 13-17, 4 hours on Thursday 9-12 **
will be used for project work, reading articles, computing, in-depth discussion of physics
and projects, etc.

However, to keep in touch we should meet once a week for an hour or two.

Therefore, starting Tuesday 13 February 1996 at 13.15 (default: room F4220) we shall have one meeting every Tuesday for 1-2 hours. The schedule and subjects for the meetings will be posted under meetings .
Course leader: Göran Wendin (room 4118, ext 3189). Communicate with for registration, discussions about Project Work, etc.
All types of info:


2) classifier (pärm) on the Master's program shelf in the 4th floor Library (F4103).

3) Updated information - or messages about information having been updated - will be found in the proper places: Compendium , Matlab toolbox , Home Problems and Project Work .

4) In updates you will find a list of the most important updates done to the material distributed in paper form or via the net.

5) Under billboard you will find (from time to time) various comments about the course, the work and the progress. If you have comments you would like to have posted, contact Göran Wendin.

Projects will involve active research areas.

There will be
* a set of technical notes - compendium - on the Quantum Physics of Nanosystems
* an embryonic Matlab toolbox for Quantum Physics of Nanosystems
* a collection of home problems
* a collection of subjects for Projects (1-3 students per Project) based on recent articles
in scientific journals within the fields of Nanoelectronics, Nonlinear Optics or Superconcuctivity

Examination will be in the form of
* an extensive written Project report
* a Project seminar presentation
* 5 home problems.

Grades: 3: Problems 1-3 + Project Work report (level 3) + oral presentation
4: Problems 1-4 + Project Work report (level 4) + oral presentation
5: Problems 1-5 + Project Work report (level 5) + oral presentation