FKA100 Statistical Physics

(4 credit units)
0703 - Inst of Theoretical Physics
(Teoretisk fysik CTH/GU)
0709 - Dept of Applied Physics
(Tillämpad fysik CTH/GU)

Examiner: 3362 University Lecturer Göran Wendin, 9976 Professor Mats Jonson

Simple interactions between atoms and electrons lead to such enormously varied behavior as condensation, superconductivity, ferromagnetism, antiferromagnetism, liquid crystals and quasicrystals. Driving physical systems out of equilibrium by application of external perturbations will result in particle and energy currents and may lead to non-linear dynamics and complex structures.


The purpose is to discuss how the extremely varied kinds of static and dynamic behavior of a macroscopic system is related to the interactions of its microscopic constituents. The first part of the course will discuss basic transport theory with emphasis on understanding irreversibility and models of transport processes. The second part will introduce the theory of phase transitions, with emphasis on understanding modern concepts and methods.


Review of fundamental concepts of equilibrium and non-equilibrium statistical physics. Kinetic theory: distribution functions, the BBGKY hierarchy, the Boltzmann equation, the H-theorem, simple transport phenomena, connection with hydrodynamics. Brownian motion: the Langevin and Fokker-Planck equations. Self-diffusion and the Einstein relation. Master and rate equations. Linear response theory: systems close to equilibrium, correlation functions and transport processes, the Onsager relations, Kramers-Kronig relations, fluctuation-dissipation theorem. Theory of phase transitions: the Ising model; the Monte Carlo method; critical phenomena, order parameter, critical exponents,scaling, broken symmetry, correlation length; mean field approach; renormalization group treatment.


The course will be based on lecture notes, with references to literature, e.g.

Alf Sjölander, "Irreversible Statistical Physics", 1990
S.K. Ma, "Statistical Mechanics" (World scientific Publ Co, Singapore, 1985)
K. Huang, "Statistical Mechanics" (John Wiley, 1963)
M. Plischke and B. Bergersen, "Equilibrium Statistical Physics", 2nd edition (World Scientific, Singapore, 1994)


Weekly homework assignments.
Final oral exam.
Project Work on a timely topic requiring extensive use of scientific literature: report and oral presentation.

Other compulsory courses:

* Quantum Mechanics
* Condensed Matter Physics
* Computational Physics
* Advanced Experimental Physics