9 a) Colloidal Lithography approach to fabricate nanoscale SFG devices
The project will involve the design and fabrication of nanoscale optical
active nanoparticles for use in sum frequency generation experiments. Arrays
of metal particles will be fabricated utilizing a self assembled colloidal
monolayer mask (colloidal lithography) and dry etching into a metallic thin
film. These metallic paricles support surface plasmon excitations. The energy
of these excitations is sensitive to the particle size and shape but also
to the local refractive index (making them useful as nanoscale sensors). Here
particles with energy tuned to interact with specific wavelengths of light
will be fabricated for use in sum frequency generation experiments (not part
of the project).
Characterisation will be by SEM, AFM and Optical Spectroscopy
9 b) Colloidal Lithography fabrication of well defined topographic patterns
in silicon
A range of substrates with well defined topography and chemistry will
be produced by colloidal lithography and dry etching/lift off. The range of
substrates can be used for calibration of AFM’s or for the study of molecular
interactions at interfaces. Characterisation will be by SEM and AFM
For more details about either project contact
Dr. Duncan Sutherland
Dept. Applied Physics
F5125 Forskarhuset
772 34 28
Contact person Duncan Sutherland