Title: Fabrication and characterization of organic transistors
There is a huge current interest in
organic materials and their incorporation in optoelectronic devices such as OLED's and solar cells.
There are a number of commercialized
thin film displays on the market mainly based on organic films grown on Si thin
film transistor driver circuits.
The ideal is of course to be able to
use some kind of plastic substrate to achieve the much sought after flexible
plastic electronics. However to realize this all the devices incorporated in
the final product need to be made "plastic compatible" and hence
there is a need for good organic transistors.
The project:
This project aims to fabricate and
characterize organic small molecule transistors, and different transistor
designs, such as placement of source, gate and drain contacts, and different
heterostructures. The fabrication will take place in our evaporation system,
with options for some substrate processing in the process laboratory.
Contact person:
Måns Andreasson
Semiconductor Physics
Department of
Microelectronics and
S-412 96
Phone: +46 31
7723327 Fax :
+46 31 772 3385