S. Peter Apell
About Me
Public Outreach
Biological Physics
About Khyberspace Activities Members

KHYBERSPACE GROUP is an informal discussion group between academia and industry on Indian issues.

Khyberspace is a discussion group which is a meeting place between academy and industry. It is a modern real and virtual version of the old Khyber pass. The purpose is two-fold. The first is for faculty in University to be able to develop personal industrial ties. The second is for people from Industry to gain a larger insight in the working and functioning of a University. In our group we discuss matters of mutual interst and to start with primarily Asian issues and then in particular Indian ones concerning (continuing)education, development of ideas and people, cultures, scenarios for the future, etc. One of the main goals is to know ourselves and the way we perform through the eyes of other cultures by direct visits and discussions. During November 10-23 Khyberspace made its first organized tour to India (Mumbai, Poona, Bangalore, New Delhi, Indore and Calcutta). We visited different universities, industries and government officials.