
Eftersom spelaren kan byggas i några olika lägen, ett för att spela med och att för att använda då spelaren lär sig att spela (med vår egen spelledare) finns det rader som
Dessa meddelar vilka delar som hör till endast ett läge.
function Player47 (MoveNum : Integer;
                   OppName : PlayerNameType;
                   OppLast : Move;
                   OppScore, MyScore : Integer) return Move is
                   OppScore, MyScore : Integer;
                   ForceMethod : Integer) return Move is
   DoMove : Move;
   MN := MoveNum;
   ON := OppName;
   OL := OppLast;
   OS := OppScore;
   MS := MyScore;

   if MoveNum = 1 and TotalNofMovesThisMatch /= 0 then
      TotalNofMoves := TotalNofMovesThisMatch;
   end if;
   TotalNofMovesThisMatch := MoveNum;

   if MoveNum > 1 then
      OppMoves(MoveNum-1) := OppLast;
   end if;

   if MoveNum > TotalNofMoves-1 then
      return Defect;
   end if;

   if MoveNum = 1 then -- new game started, reinitialize
      UseTactics := 0;
      CurrentOpponent := OpponentSpecs'Last;
      while CurrentOpponent >= OpponentSpecs'First
         exit when OpponentSpecs(CurrentOpponent).Name = OppName;
         CurrentOpponent := CurrentOpponent - 1;
      end loop;
      if CurrentOpponent /= 0 then
         if OpponentSpecs(CurrentOpponent).MatchNum < 2 then
            OpponentSpecs(CurrentOpponent).MatchNum := OpponentSpecs(CurrentOpponent).MatchNum + 1;
         end if;
         UseTactics := OpponentSpecs(CurrentOpponent).Tactics(OpponentSpecs(CurrentOpponent).MatchNum);
         if UseTactics = -1 then
            CurrentMoveSpecs := MoveSpecs'Last;
            while CurrentMoveSpecs >= MoveSpecs'First
               exit when MoveSpecs(CurrentMoveSpecs).Name = OppName;
               CurrentMoveSpecs := CurrentMoveSpecs - 1;
            end loop;
            if (CurrentMoveSpecs < MoveSpecs'First) then
              UseTactics := 0;
            end if;
         end if;
      end if;
      if TotalNofMoves < 20 then UseTactics:=0; end if;
   elsif MoveNum = 21 and UseTactics /= 0 then
      if MyScore < OpponentSpecs(CurrentOpponent).Expect(OpponentSpecs(CurrentOpponent).MatchNum).Player1 or
        OppScore > OpponentSpecs(CurrentOpponent).Expect(OpponentSpecs(CurrentOpponent).MatchNum).Player2 then
         OpponentSpecs(CurrentOpponent).Tactics(2) := 0;
         UseTactics := 0;
         CurrentOpponent := 0;
         MyMoves(MoveNum) := Cooperate; -- try to start a friendly game
         return Cooperate;
      end if;
   elsif MoveNum > 25 and then (MyScore < MoveNum/2 or MyScore < -5) and then CurrentOpponent /= 0 then
      OpponentSpecs(CurrentOpponent).Tactics(2) := 0;
      UseTactics := 0;
      CurrentOpponent := 0;
      MyMoves(MoveNum) := Cooperate; -- try to start a friendly game
      return Cooperate;
   end if;
   UseTactics := ForceMethod;

   case UseTactics is
      when  1 => DoMove := Default;
      when  2 => DoMove := TitForTat;
      when  3 => DoMove := HandleTitForTat;
      when  4 => DoMove := InverseTitForTat;
      when  5 => DoMove := Pattern1;
      when  6 => DoMove := Pattern2;
      when  7 => DoMove := Logic1;
      when  8 => DoMove := Logic2;
      when  9 => DoMove := Logic3;
      when 10 => DoMove := TitFor2Tat1; -- need 2 defect to defect
      when 11 => DoMove := TitFor2Tat2; -- need 2 similar to change action
      when 12 => DoMove := DefWhen2;
      when 13 => DoMove := DefWhen5;
      when 14 => DoMove := DefWhen8;
      when 15 => DoMove := AlwaysCooperate;
      when 16 => DoMove := AlwaysDefect;
      when 17 => DoMove := InSomeOrder;
      when 18 => DoMove := CrazyPlayer;
      when 19 => DoMove := CrazyPlayer2;
      when -1 => DoMove := PredefPattern;
      when others => null;
      when others => DoMove := Default;
   end case;

   MyMoves(MoveNum) := DoMove;

   return DoMove;
end Player47;

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