Opava  Thu, Aug 25  Sun, Aug 28
  (Wojnowice Sun, Aug 28 Fri, Sep 02)
  Prague Fri, Sep 02 Mon, Sep 05

This information is for these participants of the Wojnowice Workshop who decided to stay a few days in Opava before the Workshop, and a few more days in Prague after the Workshop:
Marek Abramowicz
Vladimir Karas
Shoji Kato (+ spouse)
Wlodek Kluzniak
Jeff McClintock (+ spouse)
Ron Remillard
Zdenek Stuchlik
Michal Bursa
Jirka Horak
Paola Rebusco
Eva Sramkova
Gabriel Török

Your final destination on Thursday, August 25, is your hotel in Opava, a small town near a larger city of Ostrava, both in the Czech Republic. We assume that you will arrive to Ostrava. We will meet you in Ostrava, at the airport, train station, or another place of your arrival in Ostrava (or Opava), and drive you, free of charge, to your hotel in Opava. Your hotel accommodation in Opava is free of charge for three nights, 25/26, 26/27, and 27/28 August.

There will be a free of charge dinner on Thursday evening. The short scientific program will start at the Silesian University Physics Department at 2 pm the next day, Friday August 26 and continue on Saturday August 27 from 10 am till lunch at 1 pm. It will consist of a few informal lectures and a lot of discussions. Details of the scientific program will be decided at the first session on Friday. It may be that you will be asked to give a short, informal lecture. After lunch on Saturday, a trip to one or two Moravian castels near Opava will be organized (free of charge). A small entrance fee to the castels should be paid by participants.

On Sunday, 28 August, after lunch in Opava, you will be driven to the Wojnowice Castle free of charge. We will arrange a university minibus that takes 8 persons and two private cars that take 4 persons each. The arrival to Wojnowice is expected around 6 pm, well before the dinner at the Castle at 8pm.

Details of the Wojnowice Castle scientific and social program are described at the Wojnowice Workshop main page

For convenience we give below a short reminder of practical points.

Accommodation at the Castle is free of charge. Breakfasts, lunches and dinners (with wine and drinks), refreshments during coffee breaks, and liqueurs during "The QPOs Liqueur Sessions", will be provided free of charge.

The Wojnowice Castle Workshop will end on Friday, September 2, at 1pm. Immediately after that, you will go by a minibus and cars to Prague (free of charge).

It is expected that the participants will arrive to Villa Lanna in Prague around 8 pm. Accommodation at the Villa is free of charge. We assume that you will stay there three nights, 02/03, 03/04, 04/05 September, and that you leave on Monday, September 5. Breakfast is included, but it is not possible to have other meals at the Villa.

We could help you to make your choice of what to see, where to go, and where to eat in Prague. The only fixed point is a half-day scientific session on Saturday, 10am - 2pm. Two 45 min lectures will be given, one on QPOs observations by Ron Remillard, one on QPOs theory by Shoji Kato. After the lectures a 45 min panel discussion will be led by Jeff McClintock. The other people on the panel are: Marek Abramowicz, Vladimir Karas, Shoji Kato, Yoshi Kato, Wlodek Kluzniak, Ron Remillard, Zdenek Stuchlik. The session will take place in the historical building of the Academy of Sciences downtown Prague. Faculty and students will be invited from several physics and astrophysics institutes in Prague (Charles University, Czech Academy of Sciences, etc.)


Ostrava airport code is OSR. It is operated by Czech Airlines. There are direct flights to Ostrava from Munich and Prague.

If you come to Europe through Prague, the easiest way is to take a flight Prague-Ostrava as a continuation of your flight to Prague. The flight takes one hour and costs about 50 EUR. There are five flights Prague-Ostrava on 25 August:

OK0028 (dep 07:15), OK0022 (dep 09:15), OK0024 (dep 12:50), OK0026 (dep 17:05), OK0020 (dep 21:55) We took this information from:


August and September are usually rather sunny, but there could be days with rain or even storms. Have an umbrella, just in case.


At the Wojnowice Castle, a rather limited access to the internet will be provided (one PC with a slow modem connection for all of us). Do not assume that you could download files, search the web, or frequently check your email at the Castle.


There is some by default (i.e. according to local and EU law) accident insurance for your stay in hotels in Opava, Wojnowice and Prague, and for travelling, but we suggest that you make your own judgement of what coverage you need, and arrange a private travel insurance, if you think, you need one.


USA and EU citizens do not need entry visas to the Czech Republic and Poland. Please check whether you need an entry visa.


The medical assistance is free of charge in emergency for EU citizens. They should have their E111 card on them. In all other cases medical assistance is not free, so please do have a proper medical insurance from your own country or employer.


In the information above, "free of charge" includes also the accompanying spouses. There will be a social program for them at the Wojnowice Castle that will include going to museums in Wroclaw. Entrance fees, and other small fees connected to that are not included, and should be paid privately.


Will be emailed to you early in August.