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2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998
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201. "Arsenic surface segregation during the molecular-beam epitaxial growth of GaAs embedded in wurtzite GaN", Hyonju Kim and T. G. Andersson, Appl. Phys. Lett., 80 (25), (2002) 4768. 200. "As-mediated stacking fault in wurtzite GaN epilayers", Hyonju Kim, T. G. Andersson, J. -M. Chauveau, and A. Trampert Appl. Phys. Lett.81 (2002) 3407 199. "Initial growth of GaN on a-Al2O3 (0001) by molecular beam epitaxy", S. K. Davidsson, T. G. Andersson, and H. Zirath, Appl. Phys. Lett., 81 (4), (2002) 664. 198. "Microstructural characterisation of GaN-GaAs alloys grown on (001) GaAs by molecular beam epitaxy",H. Kim, T. G. Andersson, U. Södervall, C. Jäger, W. Jäger, M. Albrecht, G. Bösker and N. A. Stolwijk, MRS Proceedings 693 (2002) I3.32. 197. "Characterization and Composition of GaN grown by MBE and MOVPE", F. J. Fälth. H. J. Kim, A. Mattson, M. Heuken, and T. G. Andersson, Physica Scripta T101 (2002) 78
196. "Characterization of AlxGa1-xN layers Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy", Hyonju Kim and T. G. Andersson, Physica B 308-310 (2001) 93-97.
195. "Unintentional Incorporation of B, As, and O Impurities in GaN", Hyonju Kim, F. J. Fälth, and T. G. Andersson, J. Electronic Materials, 30 (10) (2001) 1343.
194. "Limitations in MBE-grown GaN and AlGaN/GaN due to dislocations and lateral inhomogeneities", K. K. M. N. Gurusinghe, F. J. Fälth and T. G. Andersson, J. Cryst Growth 227- 228 (2001) 381.
193. "The formation of nitrogen damage during the growth of GaN on GaAs(001)", O. Zsebök, J.V. Thordson and T G Andersson, Jap. J. Appl. Phys. 40 (2001) 472.
192. "Morphology of InGaAs/GaAs Quantum Wires Prepared by Highly Controlled Deep Etching Techniques", O. Zsebök, J. V. Thordson, B Nilsson and T. G. Andersson, Nanotechnology, 12 (2001) 32.
191. "The effect of the first GaN monolayer on the nitridation damage of MBE-grown GaN on GaAs(001)", O Zsebök, J V Thordson, R Gunnarsson, L Ilver and T G Andersson, J Appl Phys. 89 (2001) 3662
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188. "Direct observation of interface effects of thin AlAs(100) layers buried in GaAs", A. Agui, C. Såthe, J.-H. Guo, J. Nordgren, S. Mankefors, P.O. Nilsson, J. Kanski, T.G Andersson, K. Karlsson, Applied Surface Science, 166 (2000) 309.
187. "The Effect of Al in Plasma-assisted MBE-grown GaN", O Zsebök, J V Thordson, Q X Zhao, U Södervall, L Ilver and T G Andersson, MRS Internet J of Nitride Semiconductor research, 5S1 (2000) W3.36.1.
186. "Nanocrystals at MBE-Grown GaN/GaAs(001) Interfaces", O. Zsebök, J.V. Thordson, L. Ilver and T.G. Andersson, Applied Surface Science, 166 (2000) 317.
185. "Influence of N/Ga-flux ratio on Optical Properties and Surface Morphology of GaN Grown on Sapphire(0001) by MBE", O. Zsebök, J.V. Thordson, Q.X. Zhao and T.G. Andersson, Applied Surface Science, 166 (2000) 423.
184. "Current–voltage analysis of a tunneling emitter-undoped single quantum well infrared photodetector", K. K. M. N. Gurusinghe, K. Premaratne, T. G. Andersson and S. V. Bandara J. Appl. Phys. 87 (2000) 8575.
183. "Possible metallicity in SiO and GeO solids", S. Mankefors, T. Andersson, I. Panas, Chemical Physics Letters 322 (2000) 166.
182. "Theoretical investigation of the thickness dependence of soft-X-ray emission from thin AlAs(001) layers buried in GaAs", S. Mankefors, P. O. Nilsson, J. Kanski, T G Andersson, K Karlsson, A Agui, C Såthe, J-H Guo and J Nordgren, Phys. Rev. B61 (2000) 5540.
181. "Self-diffusionon the arsenic sublattice in GaAs investigated by the broadening of buried nitrogen doping layers", N A Stolwijk, G Bösker, J V Thordson, U Södervall and T G Andersson, Ch Jäger and W Jäger, Physica B 273-274 (1999) 685.
180. "The Effect of Al in Plasma-assisted MBE-grown GaN", O Zsebök, J V Thordson, Q X Zhao, U Södervall, L Ilver and T G Andersson, ,MRS Proceedings 595 (1999) W3.36.1.
179. "Surface Morphology and Compositional Variations in MBE Grown GaNxAs1-x Alloys", O. Zsebök, J. V. Thordson, L. Ilver and T. G. Andersson, Nanostructured Materials 12 (1999) 425.
178. "Resonant and Correlation Effects in the Tunnel Structures with Sequential 2D Electron Layers in a High Magnetic Field", Yu. V. Dubrovskii, E. E. Vdovin, Yu. N. Khanin, V G Popov, D K Maude, J-C Portal, J K Maan, K Wang, A Balandin, T G Andersson and S Wang, Physics of Low-Dimensional Systems 3/4 (1999) 181.
177. "Suppression of the Equilibrium Tunneling Current between Slightly Disordered Two- dimensional Electron Systems with Different Electron Concentrations in a High Magnetic Field", Yu. V. Dubrovskii, E. E. Vdovin, Yu. N. Khanin, V G Popov, D K Maude, J-C Portal, J K Maan, T G Andersson and S Wang, JETP Letters, 69 (1999) 255.
176. "Properties of Si d-Layers Embedded in GaAs", P.O. Holtz, B. Sernelius, G. Pozina, A.V. Buyanov, H.H. Radamson, L.D. Madsen, B. Monemar, J. Thordson, and T.G. Andersson, Physica Scripta T79 (1999) 99.
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173. "Electron Tunneling between Two-dimensional Systems in Heterostructure with Single Doped Barrier", V G Popov, Yu. V. Dubrovskii, E. E. Vdovin, Yu. N. Khanin, D K Maude, J-C Portal, T G Andersson and J Thordson, Semiconductors, 32 (1998) 539.
172. "Tunneling Resonances in Structures with a Two-step Barrier", Yu. N. Khanin, E. E. Vdovin, Yu. V. Dubrovskii, K S Novoselov and T. G. Andersson, JETP Letters, 67 (1998) 863.
171. "Surface Morphology of MBE-Grown GaN on GaAs(001) as a Function of the N/Ga- Ratio", J. V. Thordson, O. Zsebök and T G Andersson, MRS Internet J. Nitride Semicond. Res., 3, 14 (1998).
170. "Si delta-Layers Embedded in GaAs", P.O. Holtz, B. Sernelius, A.V. Buyanov, G. Pozina, H.H. Radamson, L.D. Madsen, B. Monemar, J. V. Thordson and T.G. Andersson, Appl Phys Lett., 73 (1998) 3709
169. "Properties of Si d-layers Embedded in GaAs", P.O. Holtz, B. Sernelius, A.V. Buyanov, G. Pozina, L.D. Madsen, H.H. Radamson, J. Thordson, T.G. Andersson, J P McCaffrey and B. Monemar, Physica E Low dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 2 (1998) 247.
168. "Diffusion of Nitrogen from a Buried Doping Layer in Gallium Arsenide Revealing the Prominent Role of As Interstitials", G Bösker, N A Stolwijk, J V Thordson, U Södervall and T G Andersson, Phys. Rev. Lett. 81 (1998) 3443.
167. "Properties of molecular-beam epitaxy-grown GaNAs from optical spectroscopy", G. Pozina, I. Ivanov, B. Monemar, J. V. Thordson and T. G. Andersson, J Appl Phys, 84 (1998) 3830.
166. "MBE-Growth and Characterisation of GaAs/Si/GaAs Heterostructures", T G Andersson and J V Thordson, Molecular Physics Reports 21 (1998) 35.
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