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Maria Grahn

Physical Resource Theory
Department of Energy and Environment
Chalmers University of Technology
412 96 Göteborg, Sweden.
Visiting address: Maskingränd 2, Floor: 3V

Contact information
Email: maria.grahn@chalmers.se
Phone: +46-31 772 3104

Photo: Oscar Mattsson, Chalmers

Short Bio
Dr Maria Grahn aims to provide long-term and global perspectives on future renewable fuels for transport using energy systems analyses where all energy sectors compete for the same primary energy sources in a carbon constrained world. Maria uses the global energy transition (GET) model to provide insights regarding cost-effective use of biomass and the role of different fuels and vehicle technology options. Currently she has a specific interest in the role of electrofuels (fuels produced from carbon dioxide and water with electricity as the main energy source) trying to understand under what circumstances electrofuels can be cost-competitive to other transportation fuel options.

Beside the research, Maria is coordinating the research area "Sustainable Vehicle Technologies" within Chalmers Area of Advance Transport, and the Chalmers Area of Advance Energy. Read more about Area of Advance Transport in this folder.

Maria took her PhD at the division of Physical Resource Theory, Chalmers, with the thesis “cost-effective fuel and technology choices in the transportation sector in a future carbon constrained world - results from the Global Energy Transition (GET) model". After defending her thesis, she spent one year at SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden, as a researcher in the systems analysis group, thereafter she got a tenure position at Chalmers University of Technology. As a researcher, apart from research and teaching, she has had numerous speeches and discussions at scientific conferences, with EU decision takers, Swedish governmental bodies, local and regional politicians, industry, schools, general public, in TV, radio, newspapers etc

Academic qualifications and previous career

  • Doctor of Philosophy in Energy and Environment with emphasis in Physical Resource Theory, Chalmers University of Technology, June 2009.
  • Licentiate in Energy and Environment, with emphasis in Physical Resource Theory, Chalmers University of Technology, Feb 2006.
  • Post graduate diploma in Statistics and Operation Research, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT), Australia, June 2002.
  • Master of Science in Physics, specialization in Problem Solving, Göteborg University, June 2001.
  • Before University studies, she had a 15 year career within media business, e.g. as a project leader with Volvo Truck Corporation as her head account.


You can find all publications and citations at my google scholar page.
Links to all publications can also be found through Chalmers Publication Library.
For an overview of Physical Resource Theory and my colleagues work you can click here.
Publications that may be challenging to find elsewhere are listed below.


Grahn, M., Klampfl, E., J. Whalen, M.J., Wallington, T.J., Lindgren, K. (2013). Description of the global energy systems model GET-RC 6.1. Report No: FRT 2013:10. Physical Resource Theory, Chalmers, Sweden. Available here.

Grahn M., Hansson J. (2013). Utsikt för förnybara drivmedel i Sverige. Uppdatering och utvidgning av studien Möjligheter för förnybara drivmedel i Sverige till år 2030 av Grahn och Hansson, 2010. IVL-rapport nr B B2083. Svenska Petroleum och Biodivmedel institutet (SPBI). In Swedish. Available here.

Höglund J., Ahlgren S., Grahn M., Sundberg C., et. al. (2013). Biofuels and land use in Sweden – An overview of land use change effects. Report No 2013:7, f3 The Swedish Knowledge Centre for Renewable Transportation Fuels, Sweden. Available here.

Ahlgren, E. et al (2013). POEM final project report. Policy options to engage emerging Asian economies in a post-Kyoto regime (POEM) Deliverable D11. Working Package 6. Can be downloaded from POEM publications.

Johansson, D., Lucas, P., Weitzel, M. et al (2012). Multi-model analyses of the economic and energy implications for China and India in a post-Kyoto climate regime. Policy options to engage emerging Asian economies in a post-Kyoto regime (POEM) Deliverable D6. Working Package 3. Can be downloaded from POEM publications.

Johansson, D. et al (2012). Multi-model analyses of the economic and energy implications for China and India in a post-Kyoto climate regime. POEM working paper WP3. Econstore Kiel Working Paper, No. 1808. Available here.

Ajanovic et al (2011). Action Plan. Deriving effective least-cost policy strategies for alternative automotive concepts and alternative fuels. Alter-Motive Report deliverable D16. Editors: Amela Ajanovic & Reinhard Haas. Can be downloaded from Alter-Motive publications.

van Ruijven et al (2010). Assessment of the impacts of different post-Kyoto regime proposals on China and India. Policy options to engage emerging Asian economies in a post-Kyoto regime (POEM) Deliverable D3. Working Package 2. Can be downloaded from POEM publications.

Wenying et al (2010). National socio-economic, energy and environment development and policies in China and India. Policy options to engage emerging Asian economies in a post-Kyoto regime (POEM) Deliverable D2. Working Package 1. Can be downloaded from POEM publications.

Alvfors et al (2010). Research and development challenges for Swedish biofuel actors – three illustrative examples. Report. Swedish knowledge center for renewable fuels, f3. Editor: Maria Grahn. Here you can download the full report and a here a summary.

Grahn M, J Hansson (2010). Möjligheter för förnybara drivmedel i Sverige till år 2030. Svenska Petroleumintstitutet (SPI). Free translation: Prospects for renewable fuels for transport in Sweden to 2030. Report. In Swedish. Chalmers University of Technology. Available here.

Ajanovic et al (2010). Documentation and Evaluation of International Case Studies, Alter-Motive Report deliverable D6. Editor: Claudia Anacker. Can be downloaded from Alter-Motive publications.

Ajanovic et al (2010). Strategies for the introduction of alternative fuels and automotive technologies - Analysis of effective policy instruments. Alter-Motive Report deliverable D14. Editors: Ingo Bunzeck, Bas van Bree, Martine Uyterlinde. Can be downloaded from Alter-Motive publications.

Ajanovic et al (2010). State of the art for alternative fuels and alternative automotive technologies. Alter-Motive Report deliverable D8. Editors: Felipe Toro & Sulabh Jain. Can be downloaded from Alter-Motive publications.

Ajanovic et al (2010). Copy-paste policies - Analysis of transferability of successful policies related to alternative fuels and alternative automotive concepts in transport, Alter-Motive Report deliverable D9. Editor: Ynke Feenstra. Can be downloaded from Alter-Motive publications.

Ajanovic et al (2010). Country review report. Alter-Motive Report deliverable D3. Editor: Amela Ajanovic. Can be downloaded from Alter-Motive publications.

Grahn Maria. (2007). Ecolabelling fuels for transport with the Swan label, Background report. Final version 2007-04-30. Physical Resource Theory, Chalmers.

Björck Per-Olof and Maria Grahn, (1999). A feasibility study of hydrogen distribution in present natural gas pipeline systems, Report. Physical Resource Theory, Chalmers, Sweden. Available here.

Adolfsson B, Björck P-O, Filipsson E and Grahn M. (1999). Distribution av väte - en studie över möjligheter av ett rikstäckande distributionsnät för den svenska transportsektorn. Report. Physical Resource Theory, Chalmers. In Swedish. Available here.

Co-author for choice 19-21 in the report ”Strategiska val i Transportsektorn – vägval för att nå miljökvalitetsmålen” , Naturvårdsverket, rapport nr. 5549. mars 2006. In Swedish.

Scholarships and Awards

Renova’s Environmental Scholarship, Göteborg May 2008. www.renova.se.

Jan-Eric Sundgrens utmärkelse 2010 ”Till värdefulla insatser för en hållbar utveckling”, freely translated: Jan-Eric Sundgren’s award 2010 for valuable contributions to sustainable development.Uppmärksammat i Chalmers Nyheter.


2015. An interview on the topic of electrofuels published on 2-pages in Audi Magazine. See pdf of the interview here.

2015. An interview on the topic of electrofuels published on 3-pages in the magazine Avfall Sverige. See pdf of the interview here.

2013. A 5 minutes information film on possibilities and challenges with an increased use of bioenergy. The film "Biomass – A Growing Opportunity: An introduction to Chalmers' research on biomass", produced by Torgil Störner, can be found in either Chalmers' vimeo library here or from the page presenting the ebook "Systems perspectives on Biorefineries". here.

2013. Presentation and hearing in the Swedish Parliament regarding a fossil free transportation sector 2050. Sent in Swedish TV. In Swedish: Öppen utfrågning om en fossiloberoende fordonsflotta i Sveriges Riksdag, torsdag 25 april. See the broadcast here (my 8 min presentation starts at time 35:00 and I answer a question at time 159-163).

2013. Filmed interview regarding renewable fuels in Sweden 2030. In Swedish. Reporter Karin Ljungklint.

2013. Interview regarding renewable fuels in Sweden 2030 published in the Swedish morning paper Dagens Nyheter. In Swedish. Reporter Lasse Swärd.

2008 Ett trevlig personporträtt finns publicerat i Chalmers Magasin Nr 3 2008. Klicka på tidningsikonen så finns reportaget på sid 6.

2008 Intervju som publicerades i GP angående Svanenmärkning av drivmedel samt komplexiteten kring biodrivmedel och ökande matpriser. Inscannat GP-uppslag.

2007 Intervju som ledde till en artikel i Sekotidningen Nr 11, med rubriken Koldioxiden måste minska med 80%.... Bläddra fram till sid 10-11 och klicka mitt på artikeln så förstoras den något.

2007 Intervju som ledde till en artikel i tidningen Skolvärlden med rubriken lärare behöver bra argument.

2007 Ett reportage i GP efter det att de bevakat GAMEs aktivitet där Al Gores film "En obekväm sanning" visades och diskuterades.

2007 Insändare GP debatt för att påminna om vikten av att effektivisera transportsektorn ”Ingen effektiv klimatpolitik”.

2006 Intervju som ledde till en artikel i GP del 3 om DME. ”Bränsle för framtiden”.

2006 Presentation i Bryssel för "the European Commission" inklusive Mr Piebalgs, EU-Energy Commissioner, på seminariet "The energy supply of the EU: a strategy for an optimal energy mix" - ett arrangemang av "European Economic and Social Committee" A cost-effective energy supply mix, to meet a climatic goal of 2 degrees.

2006 Intervju som ledde till ett reportage på sidan 3-5 i en tidning som gick ut till alla hushåll i Göteborg mars 2006 ”Maria Grahn tror på solen, bilen och jorden”.

2005 Tal i Sveriges Riksdag på seminarium om klimatfrågan anordnat av Institutet för Framtidsstudier. 4-sidig informationstext om innehållet i talet ppt-bilder "Biodrivmedel ur ett globalt och svenskt perspektiv" Foto 1 från presentationen Foto 2 från presentationen.

2004 Presentation i Sala på seminarium anordnat av Sala Heby Energi AB. Uppmärksammat i Sala Allehanda 24 sept.

Last updated 2015-06-12, Maria Grahn