Homework problems

There are three sets of homework problems. You can get at most 20(for H1), 16(for H2) and 16(for H3) points (in total 52 points). For each set, you choose task a or b.
(A doodle sign-up list for this will be linked from this web page.)

You can now start to sign up for the different homework problems:
You have to write your name and make a mark in the list.
If you collaborate, please write both names on the same line.

Doodle link for H1a and H1b: http://doodle.com/poll/72f9z5bra3qvh9ya
Doodle link for H2a and H2b: http://doodle.com/poll/rk7tpzn8tzxks7mn
Doodle link for H3a and H3b: http://doodle.com/poll/uzfriec7kgnyh3tv

Requirements for the written report (Points will be deducted if the requirements below are not met!)

You are encouraged to collaborate both for the homework problems and for the exercises. However, maximum two students in each group. One written report per group.

Set 1:

Two experimental papers that could be of interest:
Static structure
Self Diffusion

Set 2:

Set 3:


There are two deadlines for set H1 and H2.

If you hand in before the 1st deadline you can get a maximum of 20(for H1) and 16(for H2) points. In case you have made any mistake in your solutions, you get a return and have a second chance: you may hand in corrections to your solutions at the 2nd deadline.

If you don't hand in at the 1st deadline you may hand in at the 2nd deadline, but then you only recieve half of the points.

If you hand in after the 2nd deadline you get zero points.

set H3 there is only one deadline and no return.