Personal facts
Name : Jens Patrik Johansson
Birth : 1969 - 11 - 11, Nybro, Sweden
Address: Material Physics, Experimental Physics, 412 96, Gothenburg, SWEDEN
Telephone: +46 31 7723178
Driving License : Yes
Military service : Completed 1991-06-10 -- 1992-05-29 (NBC defence officer)
Undergraduate: B.Sc. in Chemistry, Uppsala University 1994, 130 points( >3 years).
Examwork: "An FTIR - spectroscopy study on the hydration in the polymer electrolyte system LiCF3SO3PPOn for n = 16,25 and 40 " , 20 points, Pass with distinction.
PhD in Inorganic Chemistry at Uppsala University: 1998-05-08
Ph.D. courses:
(UU = Uppsala University, KTH = Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, 1 point ~1 week full-time studies)
Other skills :
Knowledge and usage of Gaussian94, GAMESS and SPARTAN program packages, SGI 6.X systems, IBM SP-2 usage. Vibrational spectroscopy (mostly Mid-IR), DSC, TFXA (INS).