Picturegallery related to my research:

All pictures are made by a technique called raytracing, which can be used to produce photoquality images. If you click on a picture you'll get are larger version - 640x480 resolution (.GIF) - looks much nicer!

If you would like to turn the molecules around yourself - take a look in the VRML section.

The diglyme molecule in a C2 symmetry conformation.

 The TFSI anion in the global minimum structure - also this C2 symmetry.

 HTFSI - the corresponding acid to the TFSI anion - a superacid.

 A helix of crystalline PEO , poly (ethylene oxide), with a lithium cation inside.

 Another view of the helix in which the coordination situation of lithium is more clearly seen.

All pictures were made by using the POV-RAY and the MOLPOV programs.